Stefan Molyneux is kind of an idiot

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Re: Stefan Molyneux is kind of an idiot

Post by Pepsi Man » Wed Jun 27, 2018 6:05 pm

Universal values would only be able to be decided by people who have never had the opportunity to develop moral values of their own. Inherently, any society designed by people to have, "universal values," will base them on their own morality because your moral values are ingrained in you whether you like it or not.
The closest you're going to get to this mythical society is, "live and let live," being the rule of the land.
Guest wrote:Poopy Man

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Re: Stefan Molyneux is kind of an idiot

Post by Credo in Deum » Tue Aug 07, 2018 3:51 am

>I don't want that people hurt each other just make a peaceful transition to Scientology
I wonder if that is even possible in a grand scale :lol:

rabidtictac wrote:
Tue Jun 26, 2018 2:11 am
Of course slavery is not a universal value because the concept only exists in minds capable of formulating sentient, coherent thoughts at a high enough level to understand what that is. And an existing moral code that tells them slavery is wrong. Of course the slave (actually this depends, but assuming so) always feels slavery is wrong just as the pig that's for dinner always feels eating meat is wrong.
The Africans (probably) knew what slavery is because they sold each other to the white man :lol: Although on the other hand other indigenous folks didn't know what trading is. They assumed they got presents from the white man when in actuality they wanted to trade.

I confused universalism with cosmopolitanism but at this point I'm not sure if they are mutually exclusive. I can't imagine the west will conquer the whole world because it is big difference if the value system revolves just around the west or the entire world. The American identity is basically a first real life attempt of the west (more like experiment :lol:) where they crammed everything imaginable into their country on such a huge scale.


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Re: Stefan Molyneux is kind of an idiot

Post by VoiceOfReasonPast » Tue Aug 07, 2018 4:56 pm

How are they supposed to conquer the world if they already fail at some patch of dirt in bumfuck nowhere?
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Re: Stefan Molyneux is kind of an idiot

Post by Credo in Deum » Fri Aug 17, 2018 12:32 am

Sorry for him but that doesn't change what he and his wife stand for/stand behind.

More proof that he is involved with Scientology. They have been trying to replace the protoscience (psychology) with their pseudoscience ever since that church was created. Other anti psychiatric movements have distanced themselves from Scientology and the CCHR. Not surprised his wife is a psychotherapist or whatever she is but she handles patients and why is she still allowed to do so? I like how Alex Jones was banned but Molyneux can still indoctrinate children :lol:

Despite sharing notable anti-psychiatry views on some issues with the secular critics, Scientology doctrine does differ in some respects. Scientology has promoted psychiatry-related conspiracy theories, including that psychiatrists were behind the Yugoslav Wars and that September 11 was caused by psychiatrists. Scientologists are religiously committed never to take psychiatric drugs and to reject psychology outright.
YouTube is one big piece of shit website that does not monitor anything what is on their platform. Someone needs to sue the fuck out of them for promoting Scientology. These fuckers wanna rake in the cash but not care about anything else. That's what you get when you put power into the hands of private companies. So much for that "the state can not baby me" argument. Good luck trying to get that huge corporation to abide to anything without the state.

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Re: Stefan Molyneux is kind of an idiot

Post by Guest » Sun Aug 19, 2018 9:21 am

Is there anything more obnoxious than Project Chanology faggots? It's been 10 years already, it's time to let it go. You are a double faggot as well for wanting more censorship.

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Re: Stefan Molyneux is kind of an idiot

Post by Credo in Deum » Sun Aug 19, 2018 1:48 pm

First time I heard about Project Chanology. Also how is protecting people from a dangerous ideology censorship? If Molyneux wants to speak his opinion he can do so but he build his whole channel around this one thing. He has flagged people in the past who spoke out against him, if anything he is in favor of censoring.

At this point YouTube themselves can't be allowed to monitor what goes or doesn't go onto the platform due to a conflict of interest. We have seen the CEO is a huge SJW faggot. They also lost control of the place long ago already. If people like Mundane Matt can go around flagging people and he get's repeatedly called out but nothing happens then it's clear YouTube is a broken turd at this point. That guy should have lost his ability to flag anything at this point.

The free market has never worked without government regulations. We have seen what happens if you let companies do what they want nilly and willy in the early period of industrialization. Here we are in the early period of digitalization and the whole system YouTube has build has been called out by everyone at this point and how did they respond? With YouTube heroes. They also implied they are too retarded at this point to make the one thing companies are good at and the only thing they care about, money. Apparently YouTube has never been profitable. If YouTube collapses not that few people are out of a job because the CEO is complete moron.

JoergSprave wrote:You must be joking, right? Do you realize that you use bots that are dealing out strikes, even delete videos and whole channels, causing fear and anger for people that got you millions of views over years? Do you realize that you filter out and suppress channels simply because you and your bots (that are nothing more than dynamic black lists really) think that your precious advertisers don't like those videos very much? Do you realize that you kicked thousands and thousands of small creators out of monetization, destroying their dreams? Do you realize that creators now get nervous when the phone vibrates, because it may well be caused by one of your automatized messages about one more video that was deleted or demonetized? Shame on you. I never thought this would happen when I met you in Berlin in spring 2017. How far you have gone. Keep on a bit longer and you will have turned YouTube into a lame place, heavily censored and brainwashed. Good luck.

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Re: Stefan Molyneux is kind of an idiot

Post by VoiceOfReasonPast » Sun Aug 19, 2018 4:26 pm

Absolute power leads to absolute corruption, especially if irrational stuff like ideologies are involved.
Autism attracts more autism. Sooner or later, an internet nobody will attract the exact kind of fans - and detractors - he deserves.
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Re: Stefan Molyneux is kind of an idiot

Post by Credo in Deum » Sun Aug 19, 2018 5:52 pm

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