Little kuriboh ,once youtube idol for weaboos now cuck

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Re: Little kuriboh ,once youtube idol for weaboos now cuck

Post by drisko » Wed Aug 30, 2017 9:45 am

Vaporwear wrote:
Tue Aug 29, 2017 8:48 pm
Judging from the last 5 or so pages it seems like this Little Kuriboh faggot really isn't worth talking about is he? Just some boring depressed loser who married way under his league. Seriously, I know he's not a great catch and all, but the fucker really is marrying the bottom of the barrel here, what is up with these ugly ass man-bitches he keeps hitching himself to?
He explained a few years back that he married his first wife because he was afraid he was going to die alone. But because she was molested or something, she didn't want to have sex so they got divorced about a year or so later. And then the new one had also been raped, but was willing to put out so he married her and moved to America. It's like it's his fetish or something.

I'm pretty sure those two are all the action he's gotten. In one of the videos I posted, wife 2 admits he was her first consensual time at 24 and LK was actually older than that when he first got laid, so he seems to be the type of guy who immediately falls in love with any chick who lets him touch her.

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Re: Little kuriboh ,once youtube idol for weaboos now cuck

Post by Keith Chegwin » Thu Aug 31, 2017 5:00 am

Vaporwear wrote:
Tue Aug 29, 2017 8:48 pm
Judging from the last 5 or so pages it seems like this Little Kuriboh faggot really isn't worth talking about is he? Just some boring depressed loser who married way under his league. Seriously, I know he's not a great catch and all, but the fucker really is marrying the bottom of the barrel here, what is up with these ugly ass man-bitches he keeps hitching himself to?
I feel sorry for him more than anything. Maybe it's just me but I'd rather be alone than settle for a woman way below my league
Kugelfisch wrote:
Sat Mar 21, 2020 2:05 am
Imagine spending a billion US dollars to be a loser. Could've watched animu and be one for free.

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Re: Little kuriboh ,once youtube idol for weaboos now cuck

Post by Kugelfisch » Thu Aug 31, 2017 10:34 pm

Heisenberg wrote:
Tue Aug 29, 2017 3:10 pm
Also, is Magic any more honest, or do they do that same sort of thing?
It's not that easy with Magic.
Standard is the main format and you only have a limited pool of cards. That eliminates the need for constant power creep. The power creep in Magic is a lot different than just having creatures getting bigger. Early sets had cards that were truly broken good but also loads that were utter trash.
Sure, you can look at Iceage or Homelands and you'll see almost nothing but cards that by today's standards are shit and point out how much better cards today in general are.
Compare Ashnod's Cylix with Sensei's Divining Top.
Both let you look at the top three cards of your deck.
Ashnod's is more expensive to play, more expensive to use, has to be tapped to peek, you have to throw two of the three cards away and you can't draw cards with it.
Sensei's is cheaper to play, cheaper to use and can be used multiple times a round to peek, you get to arrange the cards and don't have to put any in the graveyard and it even lets you draw the top card you just put there in the same turn. Since it's put on top after that you can even prevent artifact destruction that way.
The newer card shits all over the older card in every way. But the point is that the older card has always been shit. It was never good. The whole Iceage block almost killed Magic because the cards were so shitty.

The whole game is balanced differently than just sheer power. Much of the power lies in seemingly benign cards. Tarmogoyf has been format defining for a long time. Not because it's such a straight up face basher but because it was just one of the best two drops ever. It is efficient as fuck. There are loads of cards that don't seem so crazy at first but prove themselves to be ultra strong just by sheer worth of utility. And you can bet that when something like Tarmogoyf comes along, Wizards is never going to print a card just like that again and certainly not a stronger version of it. It would kill the game. Magic isn't flawless but Wizards aren't retarded.

The other main difference is that Magic has colours and for a good while now the colours have had their characteristics defined really well. You don't get to have fantastic card draw, counter spells, direct damage, creature destruction, buffing enchantments, massive creatures, mana ramp, creature synergy, graveyard usage and so on all in one deck. You are limited by mana and splashing all colours isn't feasable.

Finally, there are loads of formats and enough players in each that you'll find enough players of them. And even the tournaments have rounds of drafting. Draft is a genius format. It forces people to buy booster packs if they play it officially and completely eliminates the need for power creep.
Everyone brings along a couple of boosters. How many depends on how many players you have. The first one is opened, you pick a card and pass the cards to your neighbour to the right. You pick a card from the cards you get from your neighbour on the left, pick a card and pass it along. When the first booster is empty, you open the next one and so on until all cards are drafted. Then you build a deck out of those cards on the spot.
That way, how powerful any single one card is compared to all cards doesn't matter. You'll pick mediocre cards, good cards, even shit cards if that's all you're handed. You'll have to figure out what colours to play, usually no more than two, and to make a playable deck. That way Wizards doesn't have to make the cards more and more powerful with each set. It's brilliant and actually fun.
People put together a big box of cards to draft from casually and that's then called Cube. You'll just not open boxes but get stacks of cards and do the same as you would with a booster. People are usually awfully proud of their Cube and spend a lot of time assorting them to make for fun and interesting games.

Constructed not being the be all end all and even Constructed being a lot different between formats is what sets Magic apart from pretty much all other TGCs and is the sole reason why it's even still around.
I had to spoiler that shit because I sperged too much about >muh Magic.
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Re: Little kuriboh ,once youtube idol for weaboos now cuck

Post by rabidtictac » Thu Aug 31, 2017 11:51 pm

The colors thing was always a bit odd imo. Like, every color had some shit it was good at, but that seemed like it might be a bit stifling on creativity. But who knows. I don't play muh magic. I remember doing a spit-take when I heard green was the color with strong monsters and red wasn't.
RAPEMAN wrote:
Mon Aug 03, 2020 9:42 pm
>liberal: ban x
>trump: yeah ban x
>liberal: no bro x is awesome

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Re: Little kuriboh ,once youtube idol for weaboos now cuck

Post by Kugelfisch » Fri Sep 01, 2017 12:12 am

There are multicoloured cards and just because, say, black has the best creature destruction that doesn't mean other colours have none. Green has some, white usually disables them in a different way, blue won't allow them to be casted or bounces them, red has direct damage to just shoot them.
But if green has straight up removal, it's usually less efficient than black's. Or it comes with additional conditions.
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Re: Little kuriboh ,once youtube idol for weaboos now cuck

Post by rabidtictac » Fri Sep 01, 2017 3:06 am

Eh, if I played magic I'd probably just go pure green deck. Fuck it. The only thing I like about card gaymes is summoning fuckoff monsters.
RAPEMAN wrote:
Mon Aug 03, 2020 9:42 pm
>liberal: ban x
>trump: yeah ban x
>liberal: no bro x is awesome

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Re: Little kuriboh ,once youtube idol for weaboos now cuck

Post by Le Redditeur » Fri Sep 01, 2017 3:10 am

rabidtictac wrote:
Thu Aug 31, 2017 11:51 pm
The colors thing was always a bit odd imo. Like, every color had some shit it was good at, but that seemed like it might be a bit stifling on creativity. But who knows. I don't play muh magic. I remember doing a spit-take when I heard green was the color with strong monsters and red wasn't.
For a long time, blue had the best creatures - as in, creatures you base an entire deck around them: Morphling (and its new version that is even harder to remove from play), Psychatog, Snapcaster Mage, Venser, Teferi, Vendilion Clique...
Kugelfisch wrote:
Thu Aug 31, 2017 10:34 pm
Standard is the main format and you only have a limited pool of cards. That eliminates the need for constant power creep. The power creep in Magic is a lot different than just having creatures getting bigger. Early sets had cards that were truly broken good but also loads that were utter trash.
Sure, you can look at Iceage or Homelands and you'll see almost nothing but cards that by today's standards are shit and point out how much better cards today in general are.
Compare Ashnod's Cylix with Sensei's Divining Top.
Both let you look at the top three cards of your deck.
Ashnod's is more expensive to play, more expensive to use, has to be tapped to peek, you have to throw two of the three cards away and you can't draw cards with it.
Sensei's is cheaper to play, cheaper to use and can be used multiple times a round to peek, you get to arrange the cards and don't have to put any in the graveyard and it even lets you draw the top card you just put there in the same turn. Since it's put on top after that you can even prevent artifact destruction that way.
The newer card shits all over the older card in every way. But the point is that the older card has always been shit. It was never good. The whole Iceage block almost killed Magic because the cards were so shitty.

The whole game is balanced differently than just sheer power. Much of the power lies in seemingly benign cards. Tarmogoyf has been format defining for a long time. Not because it's such a straight up face basher but because it was just one of the best two drops ever. It is efficient as fuck. There are loads of cards that don't seem so crazy at first but prove themselves to be ultra strong just by sheer worth of utility. And you can bet that when something like Tarmogoyf comes along, Wizards is never going to print a card just like that again and certainly not a stronger version of it. It would kill the game. Magic isn't flawless but Wizards aren't retarded.

The other main difference is that Magic has colours and for a good while now the colours have had their characteristics defined really well. You don't get to have fantastic card draw, counter spells, direct damage, creature destruction, buffing enchantments, massive creatures, mana ramp, creature synergy, graveyard usage and so on all in one deck. You are limited by mana and splashing all colours isn't feasable.

Finally, there are loads of formats and enough players in each that you'll find enough players of them. And even the tournaments have rounds of drafting. Draft is a genius format. It forces people to buy booster packs if they play it officially and completely eliminates the need for power creep.
Everyone brings along a couple of boosters. How many depends on how many players you have. The first one is opened, you pick a card and pass the cards to your neighbour to the right. You pick a card from the cards you get from your neighbour on the left, pick a card and pass it along. When the first booster is empty, you open the next one and so on until all cards are drafted. Then you build a deck out of those cards on the spot.
That way, how powerful any single one card is compared to all cards doesn't matter. You'll pick mediocre cards, good cards, even shit cards if that's all you're handed. You'll have to figure out what colours to play, usually no more than two, and to make a playable deck. That way Wizards doesn't have to make the cards more and more powerful with each set. It's brilliant and actually fun.
People put together a big box of cards to draft from casually and that's then called Cube. You'll just not open boxes but get stacks of cards and do the same as you would with a booster. People are usually awfully proud of their Cube and spend a lot of time assorting them to make for fun and interesting games.

Constructed not being the be all end all and even Constructed being a lot different between formats is what sets Magic apart from pretty much all other TGCs and is the sole reason why it's even still around.
I had to spoiler that shit because I sperged too much about >muh Magic.
The funny thing is, even the shittiest older sets still have some powerhouses that hold up in Legacy (either they're still used, or outright banned). Homelands had Memory Lapse and Merchant Scroll, Ice Ages had Dellusions of Grandeur, Alliances had Force of Will, andMercadian Masques had Rishadian Port and Gush. Come to think of it, blue was really broken in the past, when even shitty sets still managed to pull some sick blue cards.

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Re: Little kuriboh ,once youtube idol for weaboos now cuck

Post by Charlar » Fri Sep 01, 2017 4:29 am

My brother gave me his old Magic cards, I made a Red/White deck and a Green/Black deck
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Re: Little kuriboh ,once youtube idol for weaboos now cuck

Post by Just Some Random Guy » Fri Sep 01, 2017 4:33 am

rabidtictac wrote:
Fri Sep 01, 2017 3:06 am
Eh, if I played magic I'd probably just go pure green deck. Fuck it. The only thing I like about card gaymes is summoning fuckoff monsters.
Ironically, in the Modern and Legacy formats, the best deck for doing that is probably the colorless Eldrazi deck.

Le Redditeur wrote:
Fri Sep 01, 2017 3:10 am
For a long time, blue had the best creatures - as in, creatures you base an entire deck around them: Morphling (and its new version that is even harder to remove from play), Psychatog, Snapcaster Mage, Venser, Teferi, Vendilion Clique...
Honestly, Psychatog (Blue/Black) is the only one I'd say you actually would base an entire deck around them (the others are just cards that go into already made decks). Venser and Teferi are actually fairly mediocre (so is Morphling, but it at least was pretty good back in the day).

Blue's good creatures are good less by having a high power/toughness and more due to having some kind of nifty ability. Snapcaster Mage is amazing, but it's because it lets you cast your spells again, not because it's so great in combat. Well, except for Delver of Secrets, of course.
quote=Kugelfisch post_id=27661 time=1504218899 user_id=56]The funny thing is, even the shittiest older sets still have some powerhouses that hold up in Legacy (either they're still used, or outright banned). Homelands had Memory Lapse and Merchant Scroll, Ice Ages had Dellusions of Grandeur, Alliances had Force of Will, andMercadian Masques had Rishadian Port and Gush. Come to think of it, blue was really broken in the past, when even shitty sets still managed to pull some sick blue cards.
I don't think I'd list Illusions of Grandeur as a great card from Ice Age. It was only good because it combo'd incredibly with Donate, which wasn't printed for years later, and it's been irrelevant in Legacy for years. Necropotence, Demonic Consultation, and Brainstorm would make much better cards to point to as crazy powerful cards from Ice Age, I think.
Last edited by Just Some Random Guy on Fri Sep 01, 2017 4:36 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Little kuriboh ,once youtube idol for weaboos now cuck

Post by mad bum » Fri Sep 01, 2017 4:35 am

I've been playing shandalar again and I like red/white also, but blue back then was amazingly broken.
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