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Re: Extramana, a lesson in irony

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2017 4:00 pm
by sanicvr00m
Vaporwear wrote:
Tue Jul 11, 2017 7:13 am
da PAC Nigguh wrote:
Mon Jul 10, 2017 7:50 pm
Everyone steals our shit. Even the shitposts on Spoony's Patreon page are ripoffs.
Yes, I noticed some uncreative fuck took one of my posts and posted it on Spoony's patreon.

Like, talk about some lazy motherfuckers, can't even come up with their own insults.
Lazy ain't the right word. Spoony's lazy and you can tell that by his output. ExtraSpectrum and his ilk are constantly scouring the web like autistic worker bees, ever in search of new CA-related kahntent to steal and take credit for on jewtube. They're creatively barren, yes, but they're putting serious effort into getting e famous off all the sperg and bants that the rest of us kick around for fun.

I'm not making that distinction "to be fair", I'm pointing it out because simply writing off the likes of ExtraSpectrum as "lazy" seriously understates these people's pathet-a-cuck powerlevels.

Re: Extramana, a lesson in irony

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2017 6:40 pm
by mad bum
His videos are lazy though, they are rushed out screen captures with a mic that sounds like it's from 2005 and his voice very unsure and quiet. It's obvious he doesn't know how to edit so he just uses fraps and prepares the video like a high school slide show.

Hell black faced kermit has one of the more popular spoony videos and it's just that hilarious picture, but you can tell he at least has bullet points or something written to keep him on track.

Re: Extramana, a lesson in irony

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2017 7:00 pm
by rabidtictac
Bixnoodfam wrote:
Tue Jul 11, 2017 1:28 pm
I'll let Sanic divulge the majority of it if people still give a shit in a week or so, but I'll say upfront that EM is a nasty piece of work. He's an arrogant narcisstic who failed at being an Internet Nobody himself, so he continuously shits on Spoony to try and be popular.
Every time. Alright, you've convinced me. He can have his thread so I can indulge my hateboner for failed e-celebs-turned-detractors. That shit stinks of sour grapes.

How many times has some retard fanboy said "you only criticize this person because you wish you could be like them." 99% of the time it isn't true. But these fuckers make that argument relevant.

Re: Extramana, a lesson in irony

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2017 7:07 pm
by VoiceOfReasonPast
This is up there with "You can't critize him unless you produce internet nobody content yourself" in terms of stupid arguments.

Re: Extramana, a lesson in irony

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2017 2:50 am
by Tall Tale Ptolemy
Fun facts about ExtraMana / Videogame History / Comicconreviews
Things he has claimed:

- I am friends with Jim since gamergate because I was part of it

- I was never part of gamergate because I respect women

- Lordfat is a retard (made a podcast with Lordkat the next month; he implied in it that Lordkat somehow reached out to him - "people want to talk to me for some reason")

- MtF transexuals are pretty much like women, real women have always been retarded and inferior to men (made a podcast with Iron Liz the next week and was star struck althrough)

- JRPG fans are rabid retards (he's actually a huge fan of hyperdimension neptunia and asked to beta test the latest game)

- Jogging pants are "discreet af and comfy", of course it helps if you are a fat fuck to complete the look

- I stopped doing podcasts with Boros because he has a "bee in his bonnet" about feminism (in actuality he was chased away from the community for being a retarded asshole to everyone, and when he got called out he meticolously went through his Discord messages deleting them one by one like a retarded sperg. "Boros" was the one person who actually stood up for him which goes to show what a piece of shit asshole he is.)
(He doesen't actually let anyone speak, he deletes every comment that is slightly against him)

- I am an ExtraMana fan and I'm totally not him, even though I can recognize his picture (which he never showed on his ExtraMana channel) and I know details that only he would know
(Another fun fact; he deleted the video where that famous fedora picture was taken from right after we started posting it around. The video was about him testing a PC snes gamepad with a jrpg where you barely have to press the buttons, wearing his trademark jogging pants).

This retarded heart attack waiting to happen is so deluded that he actually judges people on how many youtube views they get, and assumes everyone is trying to get famous and cannot possibly have any other interest in life.
This is the witch doctor video he was referring to; it was made as a goodbye video by one of the admins of Eggkara because he couldn't stand the fat fuck and wanted to leave the community since they were all going along with the podcast / commentary / e-celeb shit, it was just meant as a video to take the piss out of him after he left but somehow the deluded fuck thought it was somehow an attempt at e-celebrity (I'm just posting it because it shows how mentally challenged he is when it comes to the comments he posted; there are a bunch of in-jokes (including the song itself) which would only make sense to an eggkara user so be forewarned):
Interestingly enough the video itself points out how fucking deluded he is in thinking that everyone is trying to be e-famous and it's not just his pathetic lifestyle

The inciting incident for this was that ExtrAsperger was trying to get anyone on board to his monetized podcast with tactics such as, I kid you not, "LOL WHAT ARE YOU TOO SCARED TO SHOW UP??? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH I SWEAR *WE* WON'T LAUGH AT YOU TOO HARD FOR BEING SUCH A PUSSY AHAHAHAHAHAH XD" (I'm paraphrasing but the differences in vocabulary are barely there), which went on for, again I kid you not, a full hour or even 90 minutes just repeating the same thing over and over, during which pretty much everyone left the website because they couldn't stand him anymore.

This is not his first attempt at getting famous:
He has a CA-like wannabe e-celeb website:

He made a tv tropes page of himself: ... ConReviews

He posted his old videogame history videos on various wikis: ... a_Series-0 ... l_time%27)

He's currently deleting his old videos because he caught wind people are making fun of him; funny thing is his ultima video was nothing more than a spoony rip off which is sad on so many levels

He clearly had plans to advertise on DHI since nobody but him would be posting his awful videos over here, just as he planned to advertise on Eggkara while turning it into a Steam group for whatever retarded reason (that everyone just used to make fun of him afterwards)
He got banned once before as a joke (something that happens constantly) and this was his reply:
Another fun fact is that he claims to have been on the website 2 years, yet nobody really remembers him or having spoken to him ever, even though we have 5+ years old members still hanging around

Re: Extramana, a lesson in irony

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2017 3:01 am
by Pope Corky III

Re: Extramana, a lesson in irony

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2017 3:13 am
by Charlar
tl;dr summary: Extramana is a retard

Re: Extramana, a lesson in irony

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2017 3:27 am
by AdorableOtter
As a fellow katana enthusiast, I can't let this bigotry happen. I'll defend Mr.FedoraKatana to the end.

#KatanaMatters #ExtraLivesMatter #IThinkThatsActuallyCavalrySaberButThatDoesntMatter

Re: Extramana, a lesson in irony

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2017 3:34 am
by Knivez
>shits on reddit
>constantly posts on reddit

The irony is real.

Re: Extramana, a lesson in irony

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2017 11:16 pm
by Bixnoodfam
In short, he's a compulsive liar and incredibly arrogant, attempting to pick arguments with people who are much older than he is as if he were still in high school or something. But that does make sense, when you start to learn more about him. The reason he's so quiet on his videos? He's only about 20 years old or so, and still lives with his parents. He continuously told us that he was going to not making videos for the time that he was living with them during the university holidays, but he's such a glutton for "e-fame" that he just can't help himself.

He's a kid who needs to grow up, basically. You'd think someone by their 20s would grow out of the delusion of e-fame, but that's the level of sperginess we're dealing with here. I mean, just consider this phrase:

"No ones strives for niche".

Just read that sentence back to yourself a few times. It is one of the single most retarded, childish conclusions in existence, and evidence of someone who has never had a meaningful position in their entire lives. He wants e-fame for the sake of e-fame, rather than to create anything meaningful, but you could probably already tell that by the quality of his videos.

He's going to fuck up big at some point with this stuff, and it's going to cost him. And he's going to wish he never bothered with any of this in the first place. But that's a lesson he's just going to have to deal with.