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Re: The Angry Video Game Cuck

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 5:26 pm
by rabidtictac
I prefer the SNES to the Genesis, but I felt the need to praise the Genesis above for having some great games.

Hopefully this doesn't spark a massive console war. Both consoles have good games on them. The SNES "won" that war in the USA, and James is an idiot for dismissing the Genesis, but hopefully it's been long enough that everyone can look back and appreciate each console for their games. I can't play Streets of Rage 2 on SNES and I can't play Chrono Trigger on Genesis.

Also, I just have to give props to Sega for being super cool about releasing their old games on multiple platforms. It certainly opened the world of the Genesis up to me and probably a lot of other people, especially since the collections were such a great value. Nintendo looks like Scrooge McDuck by comparison, nickle and diming for every single fucking game. Some shit from 30 years ago might cost you $10 apiece STILL, and you can't roll it over from the WiiU to Switch, etc.

Re: The Angry Video Game Cuck

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 7:41 pm
by Le Redditeur
If you were a fan of JRPGs, then the SNES was the king, no question asked; the Genesis had the Phantasy Stars, the Shining Forces, and the Lunars (if you had the Sega CD). The SNES had a metric ton of good RPGs by Square, Enix (when they actually made good games), even companies like Capcom and Neverlan had their share (BoF, Lufia). On the other hand, the Genesis had a lot of good sports game (although the best 16-bit era soccer game was in the SNES).

Re: The Angry Video Game Cuck

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 8:01 pm
by VoiceOfReasonPast
rabidtictac wrote:Also, I just have to give props to Sega for being super cool about releasing their old games on multiple platforms. It certainly opened the world of the Genesis up to me and probably a lot of other people, especially since the collections were such a great value. Nintendo looks like Scrooge McDuck by comparison, nickle and diming for every single fucking game. Some shit from 30 years ago might cost you $10 apiece STILL, and you can't roll it over from the WiiU to Switch, etc.
It cracks me up that their main product to celebrate 25 years of Mario was just a Wii port of Super Mario All-Stars - and not even the definite version with Super Mario World that I have for my SNES.

Re: The Angry Video Game Cuck

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 8:03 pm
by Le Redditeur
VoiceOfReasonPast wrote: It cracks me up that their main product to celebrate 25 years of Mario was just a Wii port of Super Mario All-Stars - and not even the definite version with Super Mario World that I have for my SNES.
I guess the real talent at Nintendo died with the Virtual Boy guy. After that, they only made mistake after mistake.

Re: The Angry Video Game Cuck

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 8:48 pm
by rabidtictac
SNK are another company who have been pretty nice about releasing old games. Capcom too, although not as much. What's it going to take for Nintendo to stop fucking over their fans who want some nostalgia? Will they have to go out of the console-making business entirely before we see "The Square Enix Collection" or "Nintendo's Ultimate NES Classics Collection?"

Nintendo fans have committed the great sin of liking those old games, and now Nintendo is going to keep fucking them hard and fast for it. The Ultimate Genesis Collection has Sonic 1, 2, 3, Knuckles, Spinball, 3D and some other shit, Streets of Rage 1, 2, 3, Phantasy Star 1, 2, 4 and maybe 3, Shining Force, Golden Axe 1, 2, 3, Ecco 1, 2, Shinobi 2 and 3 IIRC and a lot more. Oh and Dynamite Headdy too.

What would the equivalent be for Nintendo? Super Metroid, Mario World, Donkey Kong Country 1, 2, 3, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy VI, Final Fight 1, 2, 3, Kirby 3 and Super Star, Illusion of Gaia, Secret of Mana, Secret of Evermore, Street Fighter II (all versions), Super Double Dragon, Super Castlevania IV, Super Star Wars, Empire, Jedi... Shit I'm running out of games here... And all for between $20-40 or so in a package. Tell me that shit wouldn't sell. :D People would buy entire game systems just to play a $40 collection like that, never mind if it was $20-30. And they could do it as long as they had permission, because it's all roms anyway, the fuckers.

Nintendo are the top nostalgia jews in gaming right now. If you want to member, you better pay up. Sure, SNK didn't put Garou or Last Blade 2 in a collection, but you could still spend probably about $60 or so on a few of the SNK collections and wind up with a big slice of the neo-geo's library and most of the memorable fighting games.

Re: The Angry Video Game Cuck

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 8:51 pm
by VoiceOfReasonPast
Even just having something like the Pokemon Generations Collection would sell like crazy. Certainly better than on the Switch.

Re: The Angry Video Game Cuck

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 8:53 pm
by Pope Corky III
Eh, I mean they did put out that Mega Man collection for the GameCube, and that had PS1 and Arcade exclusive games. Granted it was on other systems too, but they could have been cunts and NOT put it on the Gamecube.

....oh and there was the Mega Man X one too.

Re: The Angry Video Game Cuck

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 9:15 pm
by Kugelfisch
rabidtictac wrote:Sure, SNK didn't put Garou or Last Blade 2 in a collection, but you could still spend probably about $60 or so on a few of the SNK collections and wind up with a big slice of the neo-geo's library and most of the memorable fighting games.
Or you could travel back ten years, talk with people of the biggest European and only German NeoGeo fan-site and buy an AES, consolized MVS and a couple of games for 200€, then play Garou the only proper way.

As much as I am being mad about missing the best time to buy pinball machines, I like having been in the right time to buy SNK and Vectrex shit.

Re: The Angry Video Game Cuck

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 11:59 pm
by Poonoo
Le Redditeur wrote:
VoiceOfReasonPast wrote: It cracks me up that their main product to celebrate 25 years of Mario was just a Wii port of Super Mario All-Stars - and not even the definite version with Super Mario World that I have for my SNES.
I guess the real talent at Nintendo died with the Virtual Boy guy. After that, they only made mistake after mistake.
I looked into his history and he was a huge influence on Miyamoto and he pretty much invented modern handheld consoles. I knew he designed the Metroid series as well but other than the Virtual Boy (which was rushed to market to cover the N64's R&D expenses) he was a big part of that company. Even if he wasn't dead he left the company anyway and would have retired by now anyway, it's a shame to see Nintendo flail about so badly and get lucky with the Wii.

Re: The Angry Video Game Cuck

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2017 5:55 am
by TheProgressive
Le Redditeur wrote:If you were a fan of JRPGs, then the SNES was the king, no question asked; the Genesis had the Phantasy Stars, the Shining Forces, and the Lunars (if you had the Sega CD). The SNES had a metric ton of good RPGs by Square, Enix (when they actually made good games), even companies like Capcom and Neverlan had their share (BoF, Lufia). On the other hand, the Genesis had a lot of good sports game (although the best 16-bit era soccer game was in the SNES).
That's probably why I played my MegaDrive a lot more than my SNES. As a kid I didn't play or give a shit about JRPGs (unless you count Pokemon), in fact the only RPG I owned was D&D: Warriors of the Eternal Sun for the Megadrive. I was also never fond of 2D Mario games (the only one I played extensively was Mario Land 2 for the Gameboy), DK Country 1- 3 were my Nintendo games of choice.

The Megadrive had some great platformers, beat-em-ups and sports games though, which I was far more into. Also Columns.