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Vegan Cucked vs Roaming

Posted: Sat May 13, 2017 5:57 pm
by lexexpress
On the one hand you have Roaming who is your run-of-the-mill conservative who doesn't act like a complete sperge. Doesn't tell you anything you couldn't already read on Breitbart or any other conservative site but to the plus side she's very easy on the eyes. Pound for pound one of the better looking women on youtube.

On the other side you have VeganCucked who's got a giant forehead, a hairtrigger sperge temper, likens eating meat to stabbing negros and is Cucknadian with the thickest Cucknadian accent you'll ever hear. Only appeals to morality for why a person shouldn't eat meat which is an argument that will never win because morality is relative. I can chow down on a nice juicy blood filet mignon and not lose a millisecond of sleep over. Richard Dick Vegan is the one who's stressing himself out and going to give himself a brain aneurysm over it all.

Re: Vegan Cucked vs Roaming

Posted: Sat May 13, 2017 6:27 pm
by asdf
Why are these two, specifically, mentioned? Are they going to, "debate," or something?

Re: Vegan Cucked vs Roaming

Posted: Sat May 13, 2017 7:03 pm
by lexexpress
They did one debate today and Vegan has been sperging about her .

Re: Vegan Cucked vs Roaming

Posted: Sat May 13, 2017 8:30 pm
by Kugelfisch
Vegan noGains is also mentally ill and hasn't had any gains for the entirety of his YT career. Your average gym-going girl can outlift him.

Re: Vegan Cucked vs Roaming

Posted: Sat May 13, 2017 9:15 pm
by Proboards Support
I guess I need to cook some Deer Steak and watch this debate then?

Re: Vegan Cucked vs Roaming

Posted: Sat May 13, 2017 9:19 pm
by rabidtictac
Vegans getting BTFO? Please?

Re: Vegan Cucked vs Roaming

Posted: Sat May 13, 2017 10:21 pm
by AdorableOtter
I suspect Vegan Fails is just playing a dumb cuck vegan character in a semi serious way (i.e. professional concern trolling) to gain YT money. IIRC this guy was engaged to another vegan youtuber whom he hadn't even met in real life (and "broke up" later). It's really hard to take that kind of shit seriously.

I won't be surprised if he's eating meat, shooting steroid and living a happy life behind the scene.

Re: Vegan Cucked vs Roaming

Posted: Sat May 13, 2017 10:28 pm
by asdf
There's no way VeganGains is shooting steroids. He's way too small.

Re: Vegan Cucked vs Roaming

Posted: Sat May 13, 2017 10:40 pm
by AdorableOtter
Steroids don't turn you into a muscle monster. They basically make your muscle gain/recovery faster. That's why so many athlete use them. Like this guy (Lance Armstrong)→ Image

Re: Vegan Cucked vs Roaming

Posted: Sat May 13, 2017 11:04 pm
by asdf
Yeah, but if you're a channel about staying in shape while on a vegan diet and you're trying to prove that you can make gains while doing so you'd be shooting enough to get larger.

Hence there's no way he's shooting steroids-- he's way too small.