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Re: What are you playing?

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2017 8:29 am
by rabidtictac
Oswin is another candidate for best unit in the game, along with the others I mentioned. There's also a couple of standard archers who get extremely high stats by endgame because they start so low-level. But archers have the problem of being exclusively ranged, rather than javelin/hand axe and casters who can function at both ranges.

I would much rather have a pegaknight than 3 cavaliers, brah. Just FYI. Pegaknights have way more utility. What I usually do is take Sain to 20 Paladin on the odds I'll draw good RNG and make him godlike. Then I take Florina to 20 Pegaknight. Vaida usually reaches 20 no matter what and takes very little investment. Those are typically my mounted bros, plus shitty Eliwood on his horse and Farina if I can recruit her.

The endgame ideal is for every character to be capable of taking on an army, single-handed. Because the last few levels kind of work out best if you can do that.

Kent is a viable option too, I just feel it's a waste to have too many Paladins. You can of course use the shop items to work on character stats, but I find it's more efficient to take a godlike character (like Sain with some good RNG, or Hector) and use the stat items to boost whatever they're lacking. Sain really badly needs defense and benefits greatly from any extra, but his HP, speed and strength are usually godlike. Kent is more balanced, but IIRC often doesn't hit his HP cap.

Re: What are you playing?

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2017 9:10 am
by VoiceOfReasonPast
Gotten myself some River City Ransom Underground. Looking fun so far. I'll probably stick to the luchador or the breakdancer (they're fun to use) till I get Andy again, or whoever else can do the curbstomp move.
rabidtictac wrote:
Fri Oct 06, 2017 1:11 am
It is a good game. I played Dark Arisen years ago and loved it.
The only negative thing I can say is that I find it very odd for a contemporary Action RPG to gate the only kidn of evasive roll maneuver behind the right level and class combination. Odd, but you can work around it.

Re: What are you playing?

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2017 4:03 am
by Kugelfisch
Guest wrote:
Tue Oct 03, 2017 7:57 am
If you consider Mag bad then you're part of the meta-baby crowd that doesn't use her properly and then whines or you don't play enough and expect her to be something she isn't.

And yes. There are worse frames. Hydroid. Zephyr, aside from her 3. Wukong. Particularly stupid people would say Oberon.

All Mag needs is a higher energy pool, a better passive, and for her 3 to have a percentage on top of the hard number. Everything else about her is perfectly fine and she can easily be used to nuke maps and control large areas effortlessly.
Rarely have I ever read something quite as stupid.
Mag is fucking shit and I'm far, far from the "everything under lvl150 is low-level" crowd. Her shit fucking sucks. Whatever she can do, other Frames do much, much better.
Disregard the 1 because that's usually a low-cost low-gain ability for almost all Warframes.
Her 2 is fucking shit. Everything under level 50 dies to your regular weapon faster, everything over level 50 only dies to it if you shoot it with a well-modded Lanka. It's immobile to you but tends to drift even further away from other enemies thanks to keeping the momentum of the enemy it has been cast on and blocks progress.
Her 3 is absolutely useless. Since the nerf you may as well not bother with it. Corrosive Projection does a better job and is active at all times.
Her 4 is a shit version of Oberon's 4 without any benefits to it.
Mag can't nuke jack shit anymore and she can't control anything for the life of her.

Hydroid is more fun, his 1 can cause corrosive and strip armor, his 2 is mostly useless but his 3 is super useful, including drowning and keeping in place enemies to get raped by his 1 or to heal friendlies. His 4 is a massive area denial and can get you more loot.

Zephyr is at least fast and fun and will gain even more use with the PoE update next week.

Oberon can hold down massive areas and since all his shit causes radiation you cause fucking chaos and get the heat of your boys. 1 is okay, 2 is fucking great, 3 is great and 4 is a good panic action. His new passive is great for people like me who love to take Coolbros with them. His previous passive was useless because you're hardly ever on Earth.

Sounds like you haven't played Mag since the heavy nerf to her 3. It's fucking trash now and everything else about her has always been trash.
Charlar wrote:
Tue Oct 03, 2017 8:45 am
I think i made a account in Warframe months ago, took Excalibut to try and get a feel for the game. Any other tips for an absolute newbie that only ended the second mission at the beginning of the game?
Do more missions. Unless you're past Mars that's really all you need to do and most questions you'll have clear up during that. Otherwise, ask the chat for specific things. People are really helpful in Warframe.
Guest wrote:
Fri Oct 06, 2017 3:17 am
Use whatever frame and weapons you want. Don't listen to the kids who whine that you aren't using the best frames and best weapons. You will never have fun in Warframe if you use what everyone else says you should use in lieu of using whatever you want.
This, however, is good advice. Especially in the beginning nothing matters as far as weapon choice or Warframe choice are concerned.
Still, Excal was the right choice. Volt is squishy and Mag is just bad. Excal will carry you through all the harder parts in the beginning no problem and still be great later on.
Go and recover the Ayatan treasure at Maroo's every week, and put your Ayatan stars in the sculpture. Sell the sculpture with the stars installed to Maroo for Endo, use that to level your mods. Leveling the mods for more life, armor and shield is a no-brainer. Armor is more important than shield.
Otherwise, as I said, ask people in chat and use the wiki. Don't look up quests or factions however. There is a spoiler warning on the wiki and you should take that seriously. The quests are amazingly awesome. Once Awoken, The Second Dream, The War Within and Chains of Harrow especially are quests you should never look up. They will blow your fucking mind. RPGs ain't got shit on Warframe in regards of the surprise and impact, I guarantee you that and don't say that lightly.

Re: What are you playing?

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2017 12:49 pm
by AngrySpoonySnob
I started replaying Dragons Dogma as well, still one of my favorite games released after 2000 I think and it will never get boring. New builds / new pawns / everfall and BBI farming. Doing it all legit too just makes it so much more fun and challenging.

Re: What are you playing?

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2017 12:56 pm
by VoiceOfReasonPast
Dammit this Warframe is actually starting to sound interesting. Which frame is the most Hakumen?

Re: What are you playing?

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2017 6:13 pm
by Guest
Kugelfisch wrote:
Sat Oct 07, 2017 4:03 am
Rarely have I ever read something quite as stupid.
Mag is fucking shit and I'm far, far from the "everything under lvl150 is low-level" crowd. Her shit fucking sucks. Whatever she can do, other Frames do much, much better.
You're quite the idiot if you think, "I don't like Mag," is equal to, "Mag is bad."

Pull is her quick CC. Augment pulls items to you.
Magnetize is both a scaling damage skill (enemies add to it) as well as a protective bubble that blocks all enemy shots from reaching you while you stand behind it. Augment provides utility with disarming.
Polarize strips shields and armor (needs tweaks, though) and restores shields which can help at times. Augment provides overshields.
Crush not only can hold down enemies for a while, per cast, but also has an augment that strips up to something like 80% of their armor and forces enemies to not be able to move for a while after casting.

Level 150+ content doesn't impress me. Balance isn't a factor there. The game isn't designed to go beyond level 100. I do it quite frequently but that doesn't mean the balance was intended to hold up at that point and bringing it up as a point in your rant proves that you're not coming at Mag with the proper mindset.

To even imply that Hydroid could somehow be better than Mag shows a fundamental lack of understanding of how to play her. Zephyr even moreso. Both of these frames rely on one overall gimmick and massive RNG with their fourth abilities.
Zephyr will see shoehorned use with PoE only because she needs to be completely reworked from the ground up after parkour 2.0 made her obselete and to even imply that Hydroid's 2, which is amazing for sending Ancient Healers flying when they're blocking CC, is bad compared to the rest of his kit is hilariously short sighted.
The corrosive procs that Hydroid can cause are obselete when you're using Corrosive Projection, which you made a point to say was a negative against Mag, so I'm throwing that out of the window-- it takes spamming the move repeatedly to even make them matter anyway. The puddle is the epitome of the worst part of Hydroid's kit which encourages AFK play and the scaling damage that it does is actually completely misleading since all it does is hit enemies with impact damage until they die. Corrosive procs will see the damage massively shoot up into the 6 digits leaving the skill clearly in the, "not working entirely as described or intended," category. Hydroid's tentacle swarm is both RNG dependent and keeps allies from being able to reliably shoot enemies-- slowed down tentacles or not, hitboxes get displaced by them at almost all times leading to wasted shots for an ability that barely does any damage and is only good for low level item farming.

Oberon has taken 30%+ of my 3000 to 4000 game hours and Mag has taken almost 10%. I've played her since her rework and you're a fool if you think she was any good before it compared to now. All she was good for was insta-nuking shielded enemies and using Greedy Pull to vacuum up loot for everyone before it was changed. Now she actually has universal utility.

Idiots like you tend to piss and moan about her for no good reason, though. She went from pressing 3 and sometimes 1 to using all 4 of her abilities at most, if not all times. She's not only more fun but she is demonstrably more effective at all levels of play and you're an idiot if you think otherwise regardless of whatever level of experience you claim to have.

You honestly sound like one of those people who thought Ash was fine before he got changed (even though they did a terrible job changing him).

Re: What are you playing?

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2017 4:10 am
by rabidtictac
I'm going to go ahead and beat shitty dank souls 2 because I haven't yet. I got to about level 90 or so around a dozen times and always told the game to fuck off around the time I had to fight The Rotten or go through the invisible forest area. So I've probably put 200 hours into the first half of the game lel.

The invisible forest isn't that bad tbh, but FUCK the royal rat authority. That boss is fucking terrible. One of the worst in souls history by far. The congregation/prowling magus fight was a joke though. I wasn't even close to dying once. Duke's Dear Freja was closer but I still beat it first try. Same for Scorpioness Najca or whatever the hell her name is.

I'm going a boring paladin build with standard gear you find in early game. I have a bastard sword, heide knight sword and then the third slot is dealer's choice of magic mace, fire longsword or shitty scimitar boss weapon from the flexile sentry.

Dank souls 2 does A COUPLE of things kinda well, but hbomberguy's shitty dark souls 2 defense video was retarded. About the only things he got right are:

-group fights aren't that bad if you just remember to unlock your camera, also some bosses are much easier if you don't lock on
-lifegems are pretty cool and the game should really explain to players that THESE are your primary healing items, not estus flasks (flasks take way too long to drink)

The rest of his video was pure shit. He has to reach really far to justify now nothing about the landscape in dark souls 2 makes sense and how all the paths deadend to fucking bonfires for no reason except the player character can teleport spam at bonfires.

Dark Souls 2 absolutely has 90% of enemies with some bullshit autotracking moves to spam so the strategy for EVERY enemy is to wait until the last second to dodge. The worst of this was the royal rat authority. I was running a shieldtank build and in ONE HIT, a single blow from one drained all my fucking stamina. ON A SHIELD BUILD!!!

That is pure retardation. You vill only play von vay vhen you play dark souls 2, sieg heil.

Also pyro and particularly hex are very poorly explained considering they are entire built types/subtypes. Dark Souls 1 and Demon's Souls let you start as a beginning character in any of the magic classes in the game. Dark Souls 2 lets you start as a sorceror or priest, but no pyro or hex means every person trying to do those builds has to piece them together gradually over the first few hours, and won't even have a pyro flame until after beating Flexile Sentry.

Re: What are you playing?

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2017 6:39 am
by cernex
I got Breath of the Wild and I'm still playing that. Because I'm a moron, I decided to only fight Ganon until I had the classic clothes at level 3... and now I'm stuck getting thunder bettles or whatever, and it's taking a while and it's kind of annoying, being honest.

But I want to think that at least the Ganon fight will be worth it... maybe.

Re: What are you playing?

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2017 7:10 am
by rabidtictac

Here you go sir, a fine piece of dog shit for you as the main meal.
Mathew: "Well that is just terrible."
This guy: "Wow ! An actual shit ! Ive never ate one of those, everyone thinks its terrible to eat shit. But what if it is actually pretty great ? MMmmmm I love the smell, the taste, the structure. Can I have more, pretty please ?"

Re: What are you playing?

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2017 8:08 am
by Seele
cernex wrote:
Sun Oct 08, 2017 6:39 am

But I want to think that at least the Ganon will be worth it... maybe.
The first half, kinda yes (more engaging if you don't complete the Divine Beasts).
The second half, no.