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da PAC Nigguh
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Re: Shitlib debates: Clown world 2020

Post by da PAC Nigguh » Wed Mar 11, 2020 3:15 pm

Biden sperged out at the owner of a small ice cream shop back in 08 just because the guy said he wanted low taxes on his business.
Is Spoony dead yet?

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Keith Chegwin
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Re: Shitlib debates: Clown world 2020

Post by Keith Chegwin » Wed Mar 11, 2020 3:22 pm

The guy's run for President like four times before and every time they said 'no', and that's when he was sharp. He wouldn't even be in consideration if he weren't the black President's cracka VP
Kugelfisch wrote:
Sat Mar 21, 2020 2:05 am
Imagine spending a billion US dollars to be a loser. Could've watched animu and be one for free.

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Re: Shitlib debates: Clown world 2020

Post by Guest » Wed Mar 11, 2020 3:31 pm

CIANigger wrote:
Wed Mar 11, 2020 12:45 pm
Kinda funny. Biden is a microcosm of the Democrat Party and Liberals;

-In it for money while claiming fiercely to be in it for the people.

-Contempt for the poor and minorities, they only matter when they are there to vote.

-Contempt for the working man that actually builds the country.

-Mentally ill.


-"It's okay when we do it."
It's just mind-boggling to me how open these people are with their contempt for us nowadays. It's like they got too full of themselves, and don't know what to do outside of doubling down now that it's obvious to even the idiots out there.

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Re: Shitlib debates: Clown world 2020

Post by VoiceOfReasonPast » Wed Mar 11, 2020 5:33 pm

They're approaching that point France once had when some rich hoe was telling the starving masses that they should eat cake.
Autism attracts more autism. Sooner or later, an internet nobody will attract the exact kind of fans - and detractors - he deserves.
-Yours Truly

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Keith Chegwin
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Re: Shitlib debates: Clown world 2020

Post by Keith Chegwin » Wed Mar 11, 2020 5:40 pm

I'm pretty sure we're well past that point. You've got HillDawg calling Trump supporters deplorable and Sanders supporters 'basement dwellers' and you got shit cunts like the Squad openly calling for white people to be disenfranchised.
Kugelfisch wrote:
Sat Mar 21, 2020 2:05 am
Imagine spending a billion US dollars to be a loser. Could've watched animu and be one for free.

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Re: Shitlib debates: Clown world 2020

Post by MegaNigger » Wed Mar 11, 2020 5:50 pm

Guest wrote:
Wed Mar 11, 2020 3:31 pm
CIANigger wrote:
Wed Mar 11, 2020 12:45 pm
Kinda funny. Biden is a microcosm of the Democrat Party and Liberals;

-In it for money while claiming fiercely to be in it for the people.

-Contempt for the poor and minorities, they only matter when they are there to vote.

-Contempt for the working man that actually builds the country.

-Mentally ill.


-"It's okay when we do it."
It's just mind-boggling to me how open these people are with their contempt for us nowadays. It's like they got too full of themselves, and don't know what to do outside of doubling down now that it's obvious to even the idiots out there.
Dude right? I always suspected they secretly hated the people they "serve" and just want them to shut up and die, but not before handing over their time and money, but the last 5-10 years they've really given the playbook away. At least with Conservatives/GOP there is a carrot on the end of the stick in the form of lower taxes (generally) a good economy that benefits more than just the guy in charge, and you're generally "free" to exist how you see fit so long as you're working for it.

On the other side of the isle, there isn't even a carrot. Every single talking point they stand for exists to secure that particular minority for nothing other than their vote, and then they get in and things get WORSE for said minority group. Here's a quick list of the things they say but their actions for decades have shown otherwise;

"Diversity is our strength"/Stop Racism
They condemn white people for their skin color as automatically racist. Ignoring that, the corners they cut to put nigglets and other POC kids through school to keep the illusion of prosperity is disgusting. Those kids learn nothing, and become the next retard generation they can promise free shit and hand a voting card to. The ways in which they pander to POCs might as well be telling them "You are black, you need all the help you can get for being born so stupid", which is clearly what they really think! Same shit with Faggots and Troons. Scrape the bottom of the barrel by promising them things you'll never deliver and they are stupid enough to believe it.

"We just want to take away assault weapons"/Gun Control
The only reason a government would ever want to take guns away is to make the populace easier to control. Full stop mic drop. These fuckers have armed security and live in gated communities protects 24/7 by armed police and security while having power to direct the military. Real easy to talk a big game about the dangers of guns when you're being fucking protected by them you FFFFFFFUUUUUCK!!!! The buck stops when they take all the guns, every means to defend yourself.

"Climate Change is Real, we have to do something!"/Climate Change
They ride in cars, use plastic, fly in planes, everything. What they mean is "YOU give up everything while WE continue on! We gotta save the environment!". They don't condemn the worst polluters in the world; China, India, and turn around and call you a murderer of Polar bears, "How DARE you!" They do not do anything themselves to lead by example how to reduce pollution and help the earth.

"We need to tax the millionaires and billionaires!"/Eat the Rich
Every one of these fucks has 3 houses, staff, and their kids fuck off and waste it all living the celebrity life style. These people's salaries are utterly wasted money. Then they turn around and tax business owners, people that CREATE JOBS AND DRIVE THE ECONOMY out the ass while making sure their own pockets remain full. They get support by promising that money will end up in the pockets of the have nots and more so expect these business owners to just sit there and smile and take it up the ass. Look at a POC business owner sometime, I promise you they are more often than not no longer a Democrat and fucking pissed off because there are no breaks for even them. (See: Diversity is our strength)

TL;DR Whatever the Left accuses you of doing/being, they are themselves. Always.
-The user formerly known as CIANigger

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Re: Shitlib debates: Clown world 2020

Post by Liar Revealed » Wed Mar 11, 2020 8:30 pm

Keith Chegwin wrote:
Wed Mar 11, 2020 3:13 pm
Exactly. Trump says mean things to other politicians, other businessmen, other celebrities. You know, people who are supposed to be able to take it.

Biden talks shit to auto workers and Marines. People whose votes he needs if he wants to beat Trump
Suddenly libshits forget how their own "punching down" and "punching up" rules work.
By the way, add those to the list of Words That Only Assholes Use.

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Re: Shitlib debates: Clown world 2020

Post by Dehbashi » Wed Mar 11, 2020 9:22 pm

Liar Revealed wrote:
Wed Mar 11, 2020 8:30 pm
Keith Chegwin wrote:
Wed Mar 11, 2020 3:13 pm
Exactly. Trump says mean things to other politicians, other businessmen, other celebrities. You know, people who are supposed to be able to take it.

Biden talks shit to auto workers and Marines. People whose votes he needs if he wants to beat Trump
Suddenly libshits forget how their own "punching down" and "punching up" rules work.
By the way, add those to the list of Words That Only Assholes Use.
Oh their punching down and up is bullshit. You could be the richest person in town who happens to be black and attacking him is punching down. But attack a homeless white person and that is punching up

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Re: Shitlib debates: Clown world 2020

Post by Dehbashi » Wed Mar 11, 2020 9:24 pm

I came across this and thought it was funny. Shocker shoving someone down people's throats don't work. :lol:

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Re: Shitlib debates: Clown world 2020

Post by Kugelfisch » Fri Mar 13, 2020 5:04 pm

Speaking of Jesse Jackson:

2020 is the year of demented libshits it seems.
Cannons bray, the mighty quake!
Centuries of blood becomes erased!
I am the white ghost!

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