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Post by Kugelfisch » Wed May 17, 2017 1:22 am

Gracie was the one-eyed in the kingdom of the blind. Had Bas Rutten been around it would've been a slaughterfest. You can see that Gracie was going in for the floor combat and won simply because people didn't know what the fuck to do on the floor. Gracie had no defense at all on the floor so I don't know why they didn't just keep punching him.

Dude, tictac, you NEED to watch the first couple of UFCs! Dad, who played ninja in his bedroom with his unique self defense style goes against kickboxers who beat the everloving shit outta him. Fat fucks, who walked past a dojo at some point get their shit fucked by boxers. It's mayhem! :lol:
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Post by Seele » Wed May 17, 2017 1:59 am

Seems like a "peaceful" time in the country of wine and baguettes.
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Post by rabidtictac » Wed May 17, 2017 3:47 am

Mr. Saoirse Ronan wrote:
Tue May 16, 2017 10:44 pm
I hate to keep harping on the Gracies, but those early UFCs show how overrated BJJ is. Hoyce (spell it right, Brazil) might have won some of the tournaments, but he never dominated. Even against scrubs with no knowledge of grappling he got his ass consistently kicked. Again, I point to Keith Hackney, the Kempo guy who beat the holy hell out of him for two minutes before finally falling down and getting submitted. Hoyce was hopping around like a dumbshit, clinging to the guy's shirt and just eating uppercuts because he didn't know how to block. If Hackney knew how to throw a punch that fight would have been over real quick.

And then there are all the times he had to bow out of the tournaments because he was too tired from getting his ass kicked, or broke his hand trying to make a fist.
See, I haven't shit on BJJ too hard because I don't know much about it except what I see retarded Tapoutfags doing. As far as I can tell, it's just wrestling that's overhyped to fuck because of the Gracies.

Submissions vs strikes are another point where it seems like MMA is at odds with real life. Getting a dude to tap out with a sick submission (brah) probably isn't as cool when the dude's buddies are smacking you around with chairs or kicking you with work boots. I remember when BJJ was real big. I read a lot of books shitting on "stand up fighters who don't know how to grapple." Yeah ok ok, not knowing how to do something makes you shit at it. But stand-up fighting is more valuable than MMA/tapout/BJJ people will admit.
RAPEMAN wrote:
Mon Aug 03, 2020 9:42 pm
>liberal: ban x
>trump: yeah ban x
>liberal: no bro x is awesome

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Post by Kugelfisch » Wed May 17, 2017 9:28 pm

BJJ is hue wrestling, pretty much. Can't really argue with it's effectiveness but I'd rather not roll on the floor in a fight ever. Real good way of getting the shit kicked out of one or worse.

And ontopic, I guess, France has been full of niggers for decades now. I still maintain the good old German saying "I'd only drive to France on tank threads.". :lol:
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