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Re: DHI 4.0

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 2:01 am
by Griever
It seems like, every time I forget to check DHI for a few days, I come back to find that our forum hosts have been triggered so hard by our bantz that they demand censorship. It's a damn shame that free speech apparently holds no value on the modern internet. Well, here's hoping that this will be our final exodus for the near future, and thanks to Poonoo for putting up the scheckles to get us our own domain again.

Re: DHI 4.0

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 2:07 am
The syntax of this forum is very primitive and copy rarely comes out looking correct. Look at the line spacing as I write this. Also, are you utilizing some kind of forum theme? I really liked the previous forums simple, no bullshit, color scheme sans graphics.

All-round big thanks for dishing out money so we don't have to worry about whinny liberal sysops offending today's faggot generation and creating widespread safe spaces.

Re: DHI 4.0

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 2:17 am
by Kugelfisch
Give it time. Setting up some shit is an ongoing process. What's important is that this site remains and we don't have to move again.

Re: DHI 4.0

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 3:01 am
But I'm entitled, dammit!

Re: DHI 4.0

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 3:51 am
by rabidtictac
Kugelfisch wrote:Give it time. Setting up some shit is an ongoing process. What's important is that this site remains and we don't have to move again.
Yeah. Like, what the hell is up with the romans? :D Are we just that DEUS VULT! over here? Or is this an old Total War Rome template? :D

I'm sure things will improve with the site and layout over time. The most important thing is having a permanent home. Imagine, so many rustles caused by what 20 or so sperges from around the world have to say. Imagine if everyone on the planet could speak freely like this.

Re: DHI 4.0

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 4:06 am
by Kugelfisch
They of course should be crusaders but I've got a boner for the Roman empire so I'm willing to oversee that fact. DEUS VULT!

Re: DHI 4.0

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 4:13 am
by Poonoo
rabidtictac wrote: Are we just that DEUS VULT! over here?
That's why I chose it for now :lol: . Main reason is Proboards made changing the colour scheme easy from the default, here I would have to get in and code it manually and I don't know what I am doing with HTML shit. There was an option to change the colours but I couldn't change the background or half the damn colours, and I had already set everything up and installed php and all that shit before "Lindsay's" 48 hour deadline so I just went with a template that was less shit than all the others that were either black with white text or just crap.

I will look up a tutorial later to make it like 3.0 or close to it.

Re: DHI 4.0

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 9:26 pm
by rabidtictac

Smart move Poonoo, shit's gone now. "TOS violation."

Re: DHI 4.0

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 9:57 pm
by Poonoo
rabidtictac wrote:

Smart move Poonoo, shit's gone now. "TOS violation."
I think that was from me locking it down and telling people to move again. Don't care, knew it would happen after a few days which is why I sent emails for people like Lolki and Ban but pretty much everyone is here now. We lost way more people going from 1.0 to 2.0 but most found their way back after a few months.

Re: DHI 4.0

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 11:01 pm
by Kugelfisch
I haven't seen our caricature guy for quite a while. Hasn't been around on 2.0 for a while and wasn't on 3.0 at all.