Doge Walker and Channel Awesome

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Re: Doge Walker and Channel Awesome

Post by wildmage » Mon Feb 05, 2018 8:34 pm

Some Sick Fuck wrote:
Mon Feb 05, 2018 5:16 pm
I do remember him having the 5 second movies on youtube, before they all got deleted and flagged. At the same time, looking back, Douche already acted like such a spaz back then, I am not surprised if someone genuinely thought he was just trying to pick a fight.
wildmage wrote:
Thu Feb 01, 2018 6:37 am
He's like a modern day Ed Wood but without all his talent.
Please. Ed Wood's left testicle had more ambitions than Douche himself. Also his movies can be considered movies, where Douche just makes longer videos having his friends run around and say stupid shit. He has yet to make something that can be considered a movie, something that stands on it's own and isn't embarrasing on all levels. The movie Be Kind Rewind features more complete works than Douche has ever done.
Would you consider birdemic or manos, the hands of fate more of a movie than Doge's catalog? I wouldn't use the word ambition though, Doge left his cash cow to start Demo Reel, he wanted to move on from the Critic and he tried to do so. Unlike 7 pesos pedro who will be That Angry Chicano until the death of the sun. I'd say "humanity", Ed Wood lived a life and had experiences and then went on to make movies: shitty and amateurish but it tried to connect with an audience. Doge makes movies based on movies he saw. It's like the Simpsons: early simpsons had writers who were Harvard graduates brought up on a pre-pozzed college environment; zombie simpsons has writers who were brought up on the simpsons and hardly anything else.

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Re: Doge Walker and Channel Awesome

Post by Guest » Mon Feb 05, 2018 8:42 pm

Doge Walker is a talentless hack. Everything he does is a reference to something else. Anytime he attempts to do anything remotely original, it fails because he's a fucking failure.

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Re: Doge Walker and Channel Awesome

Post by Some Sick Fuck » Mon Feb 05, 2018 9:07 pm

Birdemic, sure, because that movie is funny. No movie that Douche has ever made was entertaining, intentionally or not. I'm not going to be a hypocrite, I do like a lot of his old videos, but those are videos of a single character. Haven't seen Manos, but from what I've heard, I guess watching Kickassia would be far more pleasant experience - I'm not saying he's the worst, but he just doesn't have any talent, experience sure does shit for him and if there is any passion, he certainly isn't putting it into his work. He just runs his mouth a lot, that I've seen before - a lot of his analysis in his videos fall flat when you see him not being able to do any better.

And Demo Rell was utter shit, that's the reason it initially failed, not because people only wanted Critic. He basically integrated it into the "modern NC", right? It's the incredibly long, shitty sequences featuring Tamara, Malcolm, Douche, his dad and who knows who else now.
wildmage wrote:
Mon Feb 05, 2018 8:34 pm
Doge makes movies based on movies he saw.
That's a really bold statement. Unless you're implying that he only thinks of cartoons when he makes something. Everybody gets influenced by something, but that doesn't dictate who you become - if you're incompetent and shit at what you're trying to do, it doesn't matter if you got influenced by the brightest of minds or best enviroments, the result will still be shit.

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Re: Doge Walker and Channel Awesome

Post by wildmage » Mon Feb 05, 2018 9:29 pm

Ok, here's my counterexample: what about Chris Chan? Take a look at what he has "created" and tell me if a single human being can relate or resnate with his work. And he worked with autistic enthusiams on it but it sure as hell was something a pod person could create.
Same goes with NC, he has this idea of himself as a great cinema expert whose every idea is a first draft final draft perfection. But when he applies these ideas, he can't reach an audience because it feels like an autistic manchild who think's he's funnier than what he actually is trying to be Seinfeld by way of Bugs Bunny. Ed Wood was weird, quirky and utterly talentles but he knew how people acted and what made others tick (even if he executed it like shit), Doge makes macarroni art and doesn't understand why no one likes it.

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Re: Doge Walker and Channel Awesome

Post by Guest » Mon Feb 05, 2018 9:47 pm

I haven't seen a lot of Ed Wood kinos but I know he at least tried to appeal to a wider, general audience. Dhug's nonsense only appeals to children, the autistic, and autistic children.

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Re: Doge Walker and Channel Awesome

Post by Charlar » Mon Feb 05, 2018 11:36 pm

Fuck sake's Plane 9 from Outer Space was less shitty than anything Douche filmed and i'll fight anyone who disagree
-On the internet, everyone end up being Spoony or Tim Buckley
-All fanbases are shit
-Most people had, have and will have shit tastes

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Re: Doge Walker and Channel Awesome

Post by Guest » Tue Feb 06, 2018 12:31 am

Demo reel sucked but it at least beats his Bart's nightmare "lets play".

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Re: Doge Walker and Channel Awesome

Post by wildmage » Tue Feb 06, 2018 8:09 pm

Guest wrote:
Tue Feb 06, 2018 12:31 am
Demo reel sucked but it at least beats his Bart's nightmare "lets play".
When Slowbeef calls you a talentless dipshit....

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Re: Doge Walker and Channel Awesome

Post by Some Sick Fuck » Wed Feb 07, 2018 3:52 am

wildmage wrote:
Mon Feb 05, 2018 9:29 pm
Ed Wood was weird, quirky and utterly talentles but he knew how people acted and what made others tick (even if he executed it like shit), Doge makes macarroni art and doesn't understand why no one likes it.
Now I'm not an expert on Ed Wood, but the real Ed Wood (not the one featured on Tim Burton's movie) has mainly produced shlock movies. It's not just the execution, these movies never aspired to be anything grand or for major audience - he made shitty C rated movies and was absolutely terrible at it.

I am really not seeing someone who know what made the audience tick, certainly not from the selection of his movies. You're giving him too much credit, compared to him, I would say that Uwe Boll knows better how to appeal to an audience. Unlike Wood, Boll wasn't forced to shoot porn due to his financial situation, at least not yet.

But once again, Wood stands tall above Douche, because unlike him, he actually convinced some people to give him money and worked with real actors. Even Tommy Wiseau made (unironically) much better movie than anything Douche has produced. I've seen Kickassia, Suburban Knights and parts of Boldly Flee.

I can seriously say that I just don't see movies, just bunch of Douche's friends (not actors, because actors are supposed to give you impression that you're watching people in a story) running around and yelling. Or standing around and talking. Shitassia is the best of them in my eyes, which doesn't say much, just that it was only going to get worse.

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Re: Doge Walker and Channel Awesome

Post by Guest » Wed Feb 07, 2018 4:10 am

Boll just knew how to abuse German tax laws to make shitflix.
Ed Wood used to fake heart attacks to get attention from his wife. Then he had the real one, she didn't do anything.

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