DSP Thread: Bugged Forum mechanics

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Re: DSP Thread: Bugged Forum mechanics

Post by Charlar » Sun Jun 25, 2017 12:18 am

I suck very badly at fighting games yet i KNOW i can improve when i put effort into doing that, even i could eventually beat DSP at a fighting game. That's how bad he sucks
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Re: DSP Thread: Bugged Forum mechanics

Post by Kugelfisch » Sun Jun 25, 2017 12:26 am

Charlar wrote:
Sun Jun 25, 2017 12:18 am
I suck very badly at fighting games yet i KNOW i can improve when i put effort into doing that, even i could eventually beat DSP at a fighting game. That's how bad he sucks
That "eventually" would happen within a week with two hours a day and some guidance. Guaranteed.
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Re: DSP Thread: Bugged Forum mechanics

Post by rabidtictac » Sun Jun 25, 2017 9:50 am

Kugelfisch wrote:
Sun Jun 25, 2017 12:08 am
Because he's a scrub. Combos aren't even all that important at the beginning. You'll get some damage in whenever you launch somebody. Do what you'd think would hit and it likely will.
What he should actually learn are the fundamentals. The only time he does any while rising move is by sheer accident.

And top kek @ him saying "It's okay to lose as long as I learn.". Motherfucker didn't learn in school and especially not as some point after that.
"These punches are beating all my launch attempts." Why you don't say? Jabs are quicker than a launching move? What a novel concept!
Round 2 against the Lilli, apparently it's "horseshit" getting knocked over by a super slow sweep when one just can't stop pushing buttons. And then the faggot gets salty about "mash super", which he ate because he just won't stop pushing buttons.

Does he see the same things on his screen that we see? Man, he really, actually never gets boring to me. He's surprisingly oblivious every single time he opens his mouth. I should be used to it but he's bafflingly retarded again and again.
Exactly. I predicted he'd be garbage at Tekken and was right. He knows all the "FGC terminology" and loves to spout words like meaty, reversal, khambo and counterhit, but he can't DO anything. His execution is trash (mine is too), he can't play for shit and he doesn't bother learning the fundamentals. He thinks he can learn a 3-4 hit khambo, or maybe two, and then jump in and play online? Motherfucker, even at Beginner rank that shit is retarded in the extreme. Any human with a functional brain will recognize the same chain when you throw it out 50% of the time you do anything. :D

And now he's playing Lili and Bob, so he really is the biggest scrub in the world. Even in a realm of scrub lilis and scrub bobs, he stands out as especially awful.

Oh, and what's the point of spamming the same khambo over and over with a character like Paul? Paul would benefit so much more from learning the fundamentals and punishing whiffs or landing counterhits. I don't play Paul and even I know that. Fuck, characters like Paul and Marshal can do one counterhit and get like 30%+ damage from that.

It's insane that he thinks he's good at fighting games. Any scrub with a few hours in Tekken could break down all the times he fucks up. I was breaking shit down in real time while watching him, and I suck at Tekken compared to actually good players. Spamming that belly bump move with Bob at round start is like spamming shoulder check with Feng at round start, IE SUPER SCRUBBY SHIT that you should never do.
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Re: DSP Thread: Bugged Forum mechanics

Post by Kugelfisch » Thu Jun 29, 2017 1:28 am

rabidtictac wrote:
Wed Jun 28, 2017 11:56 pm
DSP is so hilarious to me because he's a combination of both desperation and unwarranted arrogance. He constantly berates his fans as "lazy," "stupid" and "dumbasses" with no life experience. But he also goes full desperation mode and begs like a little bitch for the smallest crumb from your table. He calls it a business, but the only shit DSP sells is his sob story, to make you feel bad and want to give him LITERAL PENNIES. He does on-stream shout-outs for actual pennies. You can donate to this desperate fuck on his stream and he has to acknowledge you giving him 10 cents or whatever. Ridiculous. It's a fucking joke!
Taking this quote from the Rich thread here because it fits better.

The best thing about him is that he is 100% unlikable. He has absolutely zero redeemable merit. Every single time you may start to feel even the slightest bit of sympathy for him he goes ahead and is the most petty twat you could think of.
Just watch him play a fighting game. Any game, doesn't matter which one. Every single hit he takes wasn't his fault. Not just matches, hits. Every single one!
He complains about not being able to block because of lag in offline arcade mode. He complains about a DP not coming out when you see his input history in recorded demos, that people who fought against him in SFIV uploaded, being down, down right, down, right, up, right, downforward, jab, right, right fierce.
The cognitive dissonance is absolutely perfect. He should be studied by psychologists.

He gets so mad salty that he fake laughs and applauds the other guy because his win was supposedly not legit. Because a win against him is NEVER legit. It was always lag's or the game's fault. Every time. Nobody has to deal with lost inputs or lag but him. Everyone is a scrub for repeating tactics that the other dumbass (him) is unable to handle, he's super boss and taking the piss when he does it.
He's imagining himself into this situation where the other guy is supposedly ultra glad to have beaten him handily and his bitching at home to the stream is scolding him and making him feel bad. If he doesn't re-match somebody it's always because they are a scrub - no matter if he won or lost. If the other guy does that he's a "motherfucking retard little bitch who runs using online tactics in this shit game that don't actually work".
He is the most sore loser you could ever encounter, the perfect blueprint of a scrub. He complains about online play but doesn't play offline because half the shit he said would be enough for somebody to beat the shit out of him IRL with the cops going "You asked for it, faggot.".

He is just so damn interesting to me. It's like he's actively trying to be the worst fucker streaming but I know he isn't. Truly fascinating.
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Re: DSP Thread: Bugged Forum mechanics

Post by rabidtictac » Thu Jun 29, 2017 2:14 am

I get the impression that DSP is that one especially arrogant, totally oblivious dipshit who says the things that all these e-celebs are only thinking. Below the surface, IMO, many of them are just as entitled, whiny, oblivious, arrogant, narcissistic and talentless as DSP. They were fortunate to get into this internet shit on the ground floor. DSP is only beginning to seriously fail NOW, in current year +whatever, because his "business" has been to deliver a 100% garbage product which is so shitty it can only be enjoyed ironically. And he's been doing that for 8 years. He had to be CONVINCED to switch to direct capture. Who the FUCK would ever use a camcorder aimed at the TV by choice?!? You can't make this up!

And now his videos are as shitty as they've ever been. He's toned down his racism and sexism for the twitch kiddies and he's constantly giving sub and cheer shout-outs and reading shitty messages from thirstfags who donated 10 cents to get acknowledged by DSP. Or trolls who think they're being clever by giving DSP money.

But this latest round of fighting game salt has been amazing. What a time to be alive. I always suspected DSP was garbage at fighting games (like he is at all other games), but Tekken 7 has really proved just how shitty he is. I went back to his TTT2 footage and he is MUCH better in that game. Still a scrub, but he can actually do more than 2 moves with Paul and King (his mains.) He's probably the worst Lili/Bob player I have ever seen. He gets consistently shrek'd by any player who knows the very basics of Tekken, yet genuinely believes he is a good player who exhibits "skill..." Despite using the same pattern over and over no matter what and mashing with absolutely shit-awful execution.

DSP is mind-boggling. Like you said, he doesn't get old. You could legit boot up Tekken 7 for the first time, jump in, pick ANY random character, play them for a few hours, learn their normals and a few strings and then go kick DSP's ass. If you can block a ff2 and punish, you can beat his Paul.
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Re: DSP Thread: Bugged Forum mechanics

Post by Kugelfisch » Thu Jun 29, 2017 2:27 am

Shit, I would even give him the benefit of doubt and assume him to be a SF2 autist and he will still fall short.
The most gaming skill I have lies in FPS. I am naturally at least upper middle range in any and all fast shooters. But CoD? I am shit at that. Legit shit.
So him sucking at Tekken isn't surprising to me - or anybody, if we're being real.

But him not only sucking just as much dick in SF2? Him pulling out excuses that aren't even valid for SSF2 because it ain't Super Turbo? Him getting way more salty in that game than he ever got in even SFIV? Now that shit is something special!
He can't even think of excuses anymore. He just outright calls people he plays against motherfuckers and fucking cunts. He doesn't even pretend anymore and throws in the occasional "nice" anymore. He's really, really pissed off playing that game.
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Re: DSP Thread: Bugged Forum mechanics

Post by rabidtictac » Thu Jun 29, 2017 2:34 am

He seems really negative, pissed off and borderline psycho in all his videos these days. I think Leanna leaving fucked with his head. That and all his debt that he amassed from being an idiot with his money. Oh, and he lives in a giant house alone, and does nothing but play games all day while the internet shits on him. :D

His recent rants about Atlus and his fans/stream chat have really made him seem unhinged.
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Re: DSP Thread: Bugged Forum mechanics

Post by MegaNigger » Thu Jun 29, 2017 1:04 pm

So I caught up on DSP cause I've fucked off for years from most of these nobodies, and wow.... Phil has some serious En Heroing to do....
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Re: DSP Thread: Bugged Forum mechanics

Post by Kugelfisch » Thu Jun 29, 2017 3:01 pm

rabidtictac wrote:
Thu Jun 29, 2017 2:34 am
I think Leanna leaving fucked with his head.
That will be part of it. Being his usual oblivious self, he thought he'd get married in the near future. He thought an unromantic as fuck "Oh yeah, here's that ring. *snort* Totally forgot about that. Ahuuhuuuhuuhuuu. So, we'll marry, ohkey." would be totally fine. I bet you anything that's also a factor in her leaving him. Girls will claim that it's fine but it never is.
What are his chances of finding a young, slim girlfriend that will deal with his shit?
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Re: DSP Thread: Bugged Forum mechanics

Post by rabidtictac » Thu Jun 29, 2017 3:58 pm

0% chance.

He's not famous anymore.

He's not rich anymore (he said himself he was making ridiculous money back then.)

He never leaves his house and can't interact with people like a normal person anyway.

He's shit at games, so even if he finds a girl who LIKES his 100% sedentary gaymer lifestyle, she'll likely be a gamer as well and shit on him for being so bad at games. :D Imagine some girl who plays in tourneys at the FGC coming across Phil's fucking Tekken or Street Fighter footage, and all that salt.

He's said he doesn't even drive on the fucking highway anymore. What a cuck. "Potential danger" etc. Yeah, women love a guy that's basically housebound. Women love men that take NO risks in life at all.

He's negative pretty much all the time. Everything is "fuck this person, fuck that person, fuck this company, this company is fucking my asshole raw" and he's so ungrateful. That attitude alone is going to drive away any women.

I don't see what he could possibly do or say to attract a woman. The only way I see him getting a girl is if he lowers his standards drastically AND she has baby rabies and wants to use that "real adult house" and him being home all the time as a vehicle to having a family super fucking fast. Like, meet Phil, confirm he has a dick, move in, pump out some kids, go back to work and leave the kids there with Phil to babysit. Or a single mother who already has kids that Phil can raise for her.
RAPEMAN wrote:
Mon Aug 03, 2020 9:42 pm
>liberal: ban x
>trump: yeah ban x
>liberal: no bro x is awesome

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