bitcoin keeps climbing, normies get involved.

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Re: bitcoin keeps climbing, normies get involved.

Post by Poonoo » Thu Jun 29, 2017 8:44 am

Kugelfisch wrote:
Thu Jun 29, 2017 2:17 am
You could also base it on gold reserves, which would also lead to Germany being a top five, I think even top three nation. The Jews wouldn't like that either.
Banks and central banks own most of the world's gold. They would benefit from it the most, not the actual governments.

The gold standard is retarded anyway, if you tie your money to a commodity you better pray it's availability is magically tied to the changes in your population. And that a shit ton if it appears out of no where unless you want the biggest hyper-deflation in human history.
Old Black Man wrote:
Wed Nov 27, 2019 9:11 pm
Also Lupa’s grandmother? Please, we know that hag was alive and well back then. She’s like the dude from Highlander, only a cunt.

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Re: bitcoin keeps climbing, normies get involved.

Post by Kugelfisch » Thu Jun 29, 2017 1:49 pm

Most of Germany's gold is currently in Fort Knox anyway so there's that.
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Re: bitcoin keeps climbing, normies get involved.

Post by VoiceOfReasonPast » Thu Jun 29, 2017 4:41 pm

Trump should take it as NATO protection money.
Poonoo wrote:
Thu Jun 29, 2017 8:44 am
The gold standard is retarded anyway, if you tie your money to a commodity you better pray it's availability is magically tied to the changes in your population. And that a shit ton if it appears out of no where unless you want the biggest hyper-deflation in human history.
Though it would be a fun to see those gold standard enthusiasts watch as their dream gets shattered by inflation and the need for constant economic growth, among other things.
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Re: bitcoin keeps climbing, normies get involved.

Post by Kugelfisch » Thu Jun 29, 2017 11:36 pm

The stock market and being able to make money just by having money is the most fucked up thing and the cause for every single thing wrong with capitalism. If that was fixed we'd all do a lot better.
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Re: bitcoin keeps climbing, normies get involved.

Post by Poonoo » Fri Jun 30, 2017 1:46 am

Kugelfisch wrote:
Thu Jun 29, 2017 11:36 pm
The stock market and being able to make money just by having money is the most fucked up thing and the cause for every single thing wrong with capitalism. If that was fixed we'd all do a lot better.
I can't agree with this post any more than I do now. The whole point of capitalism is to make money by doing/making something that society deems worth something. What the fuck do stock traders actually do to make everyone better and add to society? Make rich companies even richer, so the rich can all make money together without doing shit.

They are also idiots that prevent innovation. They are so fucking conservative with their money that if a company takes any chances and has a long term strategy, the stockholders will tell you to fuck off (look at EA when they took chances with new IPs like Dead Space and Mirror's Edge). It's one of the two reasons why the WWE is shit (the other is Vince being an out of touch old fuck), they are publicly traded and thus can't do anything controversial, hence their stock numbers plummet from bad press.
Old Black Man wrote:
Wed Nov 27, 2019 9:11 pm
Also Lupa’s grandmother? Please, we know that hag was alive and well back then. She’s like the dude from Highlander, only a cunt.

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Re: bitcoin keeps climbing, normies get involved.

Post by rabidtictac » Fri Jun 30, 2017 2:03 am

By the time a new IP starts to pay off, like Dead Space, companies like EA end up gutting/firing the dev team and trying to wedge their new "original" IP into the same cookie cutter they use for whichever of their other franchises sell the most copies. Dead Space 3 was the perfect example of that. They took a risk on Dead Space 1, paid it off on Dead Space 2 and then killed the franchise with Dead Space 3.

Capcom arguably did the same with Clover. They took risks but then didn't stick around long enough to see any payoff from the risks they had taken starting up this studio. Word of mouth takes a while to circulate.

Gearbox shitcanned the Australia division for Borderlands the Pre-Sequel when the game didn't do as well as BL2 (nobody was expecting it would) and the result was missing out on 3-4 more planned campaign DLCs (which would have included patches and updates), which could have really improved overall feelings towards that game. Which, in turn, would have driven sales of the DLC and made them money + generated hype for BL3.
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Re: bitcoin keeps climbing, normies get involved.

Post by Kugelfisch » Fri Jun 30, 2017 2:16 am

Everything has to get more expensive due to them. I need wares to sell, I can't lower my rent and electricity is going fucking nuts with no end in sight. Do I make more money each year? Sure I do but I will reach a point where that isn't the case and with profit margins dropping ever so steadily there isn't much I can save with costs.
The only thing I can drop is employees. That's pretty much the only cost I can lower somewhat quickly. There's also a lowest cap to that because I need employees. I'd absolutely love to employ two or three more people, though. But I can't. Because I'm the middle class. I don't get the tax breaks the big companies get or those the lower class doesn't even need. Whenever there's shit to deal to somebody, it's always to the middle class and small businesses.

Renewable energies? I pay that shit, Volkswagen doesn't. Oh it's only twice what my electricity bill would be on top. I'll say that again, for every 1k I pay in electricity, I pay 2k purely in tax bullshit, thanks to all the fucking windmills that are absolutely everyfuckingwhere here in the north. And the cunts aren't even running most of the time. Because why would they when they have 75% of the potential income of them guaranteed even if they are turned completely off.

I'd have enough on my mind if things would just go along normally. Trust me, I could write a thousand word essay and wouldn't even be halfway finished about how the state fucks me in the ass. But with everything becoming more expensive for no reason but stock holders demanding so it's much, much worse than it needs to be.
Plus, if you have no money you have to pay even more to just get out of debt. Those people are my customers. I see how they buy. I've seen what the bought the last three days. They are fucking broke. This weekend however will be crazy good. Because they will have money again. People want to buy, they love it. When nothing comes around it's not because people are stingy but because they are broke towards the end of every month. That shit isn't normal.
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Re: bitcoin keeps climbing, normies get involved.

Post by mad bum » Fri Jun 30, 2017 10:48 am

The weekend will be good? Does Germany have welfare checks too?
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Re: bitcoin keeps climbing, normies get involved.

Post by IJustineSucks » Fri Jun 30, 2017 3:43 pm

So, it's a made up internet currency popular with millennials and policed by millennials who want you to pay real money for their imaginary internet money? Why is this happening and why are people letting it happen?

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Re: bitcoin keeps climbing, normies get involved.

Post by VoiceOfReasonPast » Fri Jun 30, 2017 4:09 pm

Kugelfisch wrote:
Thu Jun 29, 2017 11:36 pm
The stock market and being able to make money just by having money is the most fucked up thing and the cause for every single thing wrong with capitalism. If that was fixed we'd all do a lot better.
To imagine there was an era when interests where considered the work of the devil.
Poonoo wrote:
Fri Jun 30, 2017 1:46 am
I can't agree with this post any more than I do now. The whole point of capitalism is to make money by doing/making something that society deems worth something. What the fuck do stock traders actually do to make everyone better and add to society? Make rich companies even richer, so the rich can all make money together without doing shit.
I'd say a good chunk actively harms society with speculation bullshit driving up prices. They're basically gambling with food and stuff.
Kugelfisch wrote:
Fri Jun 30, 2017 2:16 am
Renewable energies? I pay that shit, Volkswagen doesn't. Oh it's only twice what my electricity bill would be on top. I'll say that again, for every 1k I pay in electricity, I pay 2k purely in tax bullshit, thanks to all the fucking windmills that are absolutely everyfuckingwhere here in the north. And the cunts aren't even running most of the time. Because why would they when they have 75% of the potential income of them guaranteed even if they are turned completely off.
I tell ya, this is like the most ass-backwards, Bizzaro-logic nonsense our God-Empress Merkel ever pulled off: Thanks to guaranteed minimum prices for the blokes building all these windmills, energy becomes more expensive the cheaper it gets. Except when you're in the steel industry or some other energy-intensive industry, then you pay less the more energy you need.

Though the best thing is how Merkel has been lecturing other countries about how important renewable energies are, as if Germany is some kind of prime example of how to pull it off. Except her plans are bullshit (see the above paragraph), we still use lots of coal, and the only reason all of this happened and she didn't just focus on nuclear energy like she originally intended was that whole Fukushima thing. Because having a German nuclear plant be gang-raped by an earthquake and a tsunami is so likely. And it's not like this will actually protect us considering there are a quite a lot of very old foreign nuclear plants right at our borders.
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