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Re: China

Post by mad bum » Mon Mar 23, 2020 3:06 am

I'm okay with it now because I never leave the house anyway, but once may/june starts to roll around and garage sale/flea market season starts a lot of my side income comes from buying scratched PS1 games to resell. I also like it because it gets me out of the house.

I actually did leave the house today because our stay at home order is going out tomorrow, and I wanted to refresh my refrigerator before everyone went panic buying 2.0 when they saw it on the late night news.
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Re: China

Post by Tony Schiavone » Mon Mar 23, 2020 3:07 am

My only hope is that this leads to more normies going online, and push the snowflakes further into their safe spaces.
...and still: Spoony did nothing.

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Re: China

Post by Le Redditeur » Mon Mar 23, 2020 3:42 am

Lindsay's Liver wrote:
Mon Mar 23, 2020 3:02 am
So, it looks my fair city will be on official "shelter in place" lockdown this week. The people we elected are now commanding us to stay home. When you read the headlines, it sounds so oppressive, but, best I can tell, it's not all that different from what we're already doing. It's just pairing everything down to the essentials and making it illegal to have a bridal shower.

You're not going to be arrested or shot if you go out to walk the dog or do yard work. If you need food or medicine, the stores and takeout-friendly restaurants will still be open (and staffed). If you prefer to have your shit delivered to you, the people who deliver it are allowed to be out. People who maintain ultilities are still going to work.

But if you were hoping to get your nails done this week and then go splurge at Lululemon, you've now got to call all of that off.

Your Friday bowling night is now kaput.

Meanwhile, I realize that the people who work at Lululemon and the nail salon and the bowling alley are out of a job for (at least) a few weeks and that sucks.

But, overall, "shelter in place" is not so bad.

That's what I'm telling myself, at least.
It isn't, for now. If the current measures were the full extent the authorities were willing to go, things would be shitty, but somehow manageable for a couple of months. Sure, the economy around leisure and servies will grind to a halt, but there's nothing much you can do about it anyway, except brace yourself and expect the government to give some sort of bailout so the people who will stop can try to get back to work after these few months.

The main problem is that, now that they'll start to test people en masse and the number of cases will predictably skyrocket due to that detection, the scaremongers willpush for more and more restrictive measures, until there's a complete shutdown of everything - even groceries, deliveries, take outs, everything. Utilities will soon stop work, so no internet, no electricity, no water, no food - taht's when people will start rioting and pillaging, and I highly doubt the State will be able to enforce its wish - the police and the army will just step aside or outright join the hungry and the thirsty.

Of course, if things het to that point, all their precious efforts to "lockdown to slow down spread" will be for nothing but to collapse society and civilization as a whole. Maybe that's what they think it's preferable to having Trump, Johnson, Orban, Bolsonaro, etc. running the show. Crash everything down so Cheeto Man doesn't get his second term!

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Re: China

Post by Guest » Mon Mar 23, 2020 3:51 am

mad bum wrote:
Mon Mar 23, 2020 3:06 am
I'm okay with it now because I never leave the house anyway, but once may/june starts to roll around and garage sale/flea market season starts a lot of my side income comes from buying scratched PS1 games to resell. I also like it because it gets me out of the house.

I actually did leave the house today because our stay at home order is going out tomorrow, and I wanted to refresh my refrigerator before everyone went panic buying 2.0 when they saw it on the late night news.
You and those PS1 games.

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Re: China

Post by Guest » Mon Mar 23, 2020 3:54 am

RedLine wrote:
Sun Mar 22, 2020 9:20 pm
LOL, it took 2 months for the world to end. I wonder what country Hitler II will come from? Hopefully the uniforms look cool again.
I was expecting 20%. We are well and truly fucked. The dems are torpedoing any financial relief to make Cheeto look bad, so I wouldn't put it past them to try and extend the shutdown beyond two weeks. They're all rich. You losing your job, house, or even life means nothing to them.

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Re: China

Post by Le Redditeur » Mon Mar 23, 2020 4:02 am

The governments all around will pretty much see themselves obligated to extend it, because the number of confirmed cases will grow in an accelerated rate as testing becomes more throughly available and employed. While that will at least help to reduce the death ratio, it also means that they'll push hard for the "omg the hospitals will all shut down we're all going to die" rethroric.

meanwhile, I'd like to ask the burger people of the site: are the medical supplied in dire shortage already, or not? because I can't get a straight answer from the media (shockingly) - the "Cheeto Man bad" people say its pandemonium already, while the MAGApedes say everything is doing fine.

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Re: China

Post by mad bum » Mon Mar 23, 2020 4:09 am

I couldn't answer, I know my primary doctor shops at my girlfriends store and his wife mentioned that they are starting to get busy and having to do phone call appointments, but she didn't make it seem like he was absolutely swamped working 80 hours a week. I know testing is really hard to get here, they won't even test you unless you're in serious trouble yet the rich get it without question.
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Re: China

Post by Poonoo » Mon Mar 23, 2020 9:03 am

There are conspiracies going around that I have heard from people I know IRL, so this is trickling down to normies. They think China deliberately spread/created this virus to distract people from talking about:

* The Hong Kong Protests
* The Uyghur Concentration Camps

Along with stopping the trade war with the US. They are claiming that when the stocks crashed a lot of Chinese starting buying up stocks and with the west in recession China has already recovered. If anyone thinks China is going to get away with this you are foolish, this is 9/11 truth shit all over again.

Trump is going to win like crazy in the next election. His anti-China and anti-globalism rhetoric has been completely vindicated with what China has done and it's obvious a lot of normies will want revenge for what has happened. This could bring more manufacturing back home as well with distrust of China and with a lot of people out of work a lot of governments will be under pressure from their voters to help them get jobs this way. Trump was talking about this years ago which will only increase his support not only in the USA but world wide.

If Gen Z was going to be more right wing and nationalist before this will tip them over the edge. The GFC in 2008 had a lasting effect on Millenials with Wall St fucking them over which made them more socialists and anti-capitalist than most, with this recession likely to be way worse than in 2008 Gen Z is going to be very protectionist and nationalist and fucking despise China. Channels like China Uncensored are going to get way more fucking popular as the unemployed look more into the country that fucked them like how Millenials looked into Wall St and how the finance sector worked. It lead to Libertarianism rising too and red pilled them on how the banking system worked, certainly for me it did.

Occupy Wall St became a thing and I think a movement like that among Gen Z is going to happen but more focused on decoupling from China and rebelling against tech companies like Google and Hollywood for bowing down to the Chinese to get some of their market. They are going to try hard to call this "racist" and do their deplatforming shit but that is only going to make it worse for them. Open borders globalism is going to fucking die and won't come back for a long time after this, if the Left ever wants to be relevant again they will need to become more nationalist and drop all the social justice pandering horse shit.
Old Black Man wrote:
Wed Nov 27, 2019 9:11 pm
Also Lupa’s grandmother? Please, we know that hag was alive and well back then. She’s like the dude from Highlander, only a cunt.

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Re: China

Post by rabidtictac » Mon Mar 23, 2020 9:52 am

Poonoo wrote:
Mon Mar 23, 2020 9:03 am
Open borders globalism is going to fucking die and won't come back for a long time after this

I disagree. I think we'll see how little the average person's vote or opinion matters with this debacle. The owners of this country and every other will double down on globalism, bow to the Chinese money cock and force voters to go along with it. After all, we have the "vote," but the "vote" is worthless if you're never given good voting options. The owners of this country will simply quash any attempt to vote on issues that matter. Which is exactly what would have happened in the last election if not for the breakout success of Trump. It would have been Hillary vs Some Fucking Cuck in a battle to see which party can open the borders and embrace corporate dick fast enough.

That said, I would cum more than Mr. Plinkett watching Mary Kate and Ashley videos if what you said did happen.
Globalism needs to be pushed back. Globalism now is like capitalism used to be in the early Industrial period. We're witnessing the results. Globalism never had a "the Jungle" to catch fire and show people why globalism sucks ass. Local communities are springing up, entirely reliant on the global market to stay alive. The way it should work is a strong local market becomes a strong global market by exporting things they don't need. The current method is more like a local community growing a ton of shit they don't want and can't use, just so they can sell it to the global markets to get the IMF or World Bank off their backs. Instead of developing farms to feed their own people, they pollute their communities making cheap plastic shit to serve 1st World wage slavers and greedy jewporations. Do you think those companies will stick around once the workers demand a decent living and the environment is too toxic to live in? Hell no. The businesses will leave and this "new money" they think is a blessing now will dry up and blow away. Most of the products being produced in these slave factories have only dubious value anyway.

And diseases? Well, we had swine flu before this and diseases from apefucking (not the kind I like) spreading across the world. You know how the slaughterhouse system works, right? The animals have to be doped up with antibiotics because disease runs rampant in such close quarters. Well, our global trade system is like a big slaughterhouse, and we're all in it. That's how diseases travel from one country to the entire world in comparatively no time.

It'd be impossible to go full isolationist like so many anti-Trump pundits seem to think nationalists want. That's unrealistic. But we should be working to uncouple our economies from each other. We should be strengthening local products and local communities and discouraging foreign trade. Foreign goods should cost more, no matter what. We need to really start screwing these companies that outsource everything and then expect to sell their shit back to us for inflated prices. Nah fam. If you want to sell here, you need to start manufacturing here. You want to take money from us, you need to contribute to the community. Get that full Judaic global trade shit out of here. All it's doing is funneling money from our country to places like China who oppress people anyway.
RAPEMAN wrote:
Mon Aug 03, 2020 9:42 pm
>liberal: ban x
>trump: yeah ban x
>liberal: no bro x is awesome

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Re: China

Post by VoiceOfReasonPast » Mon Mar 23, 2020 10:41 am

Poonoo wrote:
Mon Mar 23, 2020 9:03 am
There are conspiracies going around that I have heard from people I know IRL, so this is trickling down to normies. They think China deliberately spread/created this virus to distract people from talking about:

* The Hong Kong Protests
* The Uyghur Concentration Camps
I'm pretty sure their influence on the left (aka most) media, their role as a lynchpin to the entire global economy, and their mantra-like insistence of "Muh internal affairs" would've seen them through these dramas just fine without having to tank their own economy.
The West might whine about HK, but nobody would risk any serious conflict about it, even if the Chinese military would start rounding up dissidents. And the Middle East is so dependent on Big Brother China that even places like Saudi-Arabia are being docile Muslim cattle, going so far as to applaud China for the """help""" they're offering to the Uyghur people.

If anything, this virus is doing the opposite by making everyone hate China and and force them to rethink their current reliance on their workforce.
Lindsay's Liver wrote:
Mon Mar 23, 2020 3:02 am
But if you were hoping to get your nails done this week and then go splurge at Lululemon, you've now got to call all of that off.
Didn't know Digimon was that popular in Burgerland.
RedLine wrote:
Sun Mar 22, 2020 11:50 pm
VoiceOfReasonPast wrote:
Sun Mar 22, 2020 10:56 pm
It'll just be a ripoff of the Reichian uniforms. Creativity is dead in Current Year.
Probably. But man, you guys can't pick allies for shit, but you for sure set the standard when it comes to dressing sharp.
This is kinda what happens if your only ideological battle brothers are backwater countries that were either too far away, or happen to be Italy.
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