It's the Current Year, Irish Slaves are a Myth

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Keith Chegwin
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Re: It's the Current Year, Irish Slaves are a Myth

Post by Keith Chegwin » Sat Aug 26, 2017 3:06 am

And yet, he's done a 180 on Afghanistan. He's been forced to do a 180 on Russian-American relations. He kind of flip-flops on Syria and DACA. He signed an initiative to get more women into STEM, probably at the expense of men and probably at the behest of his daughter, who is pretty much his shoulder devil.

I like him and I'm glad that he's President and not Hillary Clinton, but let's not pretend that voting for him was the be-all and end-all of everything. If he cannot grapple hold of and change the narrative, then it doesn't matter what else he changes. Another politician will come along who does have hold of the narrative, and will just change his policy back. Probably with full support of the establishment.
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Re: It's the Current Year, Irish Slaves are a Myth

Post by Kugelfisch » Sat Aug 26, 2017 1:40 pm

The left has controlled the narrative for decades and yet they are losing ground constantly. On the internet they aren't winning either. They may take ahold of Wikipedia, which is really not difficult since the site's owner wants it to be that way, but overall comments of every website the left doesn't have in a complete stranglehold are overwhelmingly anti-PC.
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Re: It's the Current Year, Irish Slaves are a Myth

Post by rabidtictac » Sat Aug 26, 2017 2:52 pm

I always knew Keith was autistic, but jesus.

All of this shitlib insanity we've been seeing since the primaries is because of Trump. All the videos upon videos of liberals screaming, crying, gnashing their teeth, assaulting people (some of them are now going to jail because of that lel, and arguing that assault isn't illegal if it's against "nazis") is because of Trump winning the Primaries and then taking the white house. Pages upon pages of butthurt articles claiming that trump supporters and even other liberals are worse than hitler.

It's ALL thanks to the vote.

Also, Keith, you're ignoring the memetic warfare and pretending as if that never happened. That's a wing of the ideological war which the (new, not GOP) right wing has won, handily.

SJWs dominate the narrative in mainstream normie websites, but people no longer trust those narratives or sources. That's why frog meme magic from an imageboard is stronger than the New York Times.
RAPEMAN wrote:
Mon Aug 03, 2020 9:42 pm
>liberal: ban x
>trump: yeah ban x
>liberal: no bro x is awesome

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Re: It's the Current Year, Irish Slaves are a Myth

Post by Guest » Sat Aug 26, 2017 6:38 pm

Keith Chegwin wrote:
Sat Aug 26, 2017 3:06 am
And yet, he's done a 180 on Afghanistan.
... which he gave a reasonable explanation for, whether you want to admit it or not. He didn't have the information the Presidental office had when he made his original statements and things are completely different from behind that desk than they are when you're walking on the streets.

Flip flopping on Syria is nothing new for American politics.
Congress isn't exactly helping Trump make friendly with Russia.
There's nothing inherently wrong with trying to get more women into STEM.

I haven't looked into the details of that STEM thing, but you can't just say, "this is the end result, it's all 100% bad." Politics have far more nuance than that and the reason things happen are just as important as the end result.

Trump was a landmark victory for people who are tired of being bullied by the media narrative. Him being in office has shown everyone that the silent majority hold far more power than the media wants them to believe and that there are so many more people who think like them than they think. Sure, if the other side wins in the next election they could easily reverse a lot of the changes Trump has made and/or will make. That's pretty much guaranteed, at this point. That doesn't mean they'll have the support of the nation, though.

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Re: It's the Current Year, Irish Slaves are a Myth

Post by Kugelfisch » Sat Aug 26, 2017 7:07 pm

It's certainly the media that has been one of the biggest losers and they are salty as fuck about it. German media especially flips it's shit 24/7 about Trump because of impotent rage. They didn't even get to play ball as the German media's opinion about a US president election is less than worthless and now they don't even get to gloat.
Especially "Der Spiegel" is fucking livid:


"The end of the world (as we know it)"

"The double regent How much Putin is in Trump?"

"The true face of Donald Trump"

Sometimes, "Der Stern" throws in a good one as well.

Der Stern and Der Spiegel aren't some chump magazines either. Together with Focus they make the top three of what you can think of a German version of The Times. Der Spiegel is especially hysteric as it's owned almost entirely by the SPD, the other big party of Germany after Merkel's CDU, you can think of them as our Democrats.
The salt just doesn't stop. They double down extra hard because deep down they know that their opinion for the USA matters even less than dogshit.
If you thought the libshits in the USA are bad, you should really take a look at Europe every once in a while. Since they hold no power in USA matters but yet seem to be overly invested in them they are so butthurt they make USA shitlibs look calm and collected. :lol:
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Re: It's the Current Year, Irish Slaves are a Myth

Post by VoiceOfReasonPast » Sat Aug 26, 2017 8:38 pm

I think we get at least one "Now Trump is fuuuuucked!" news article per week.
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Re: It's the Current Year, Irish Slaves are a Myth

Post by Kugelfisch » Sat Aug 26, 2017 9:04 pm

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Re: It's the Current Year, Irish Slaves are a Myth

Post by Guest » Sat Aug 26, 2017 9:11 pm

My favorite part about the "Trump is Hitler" narrative are all the idiots who think that he's going to be impeached after every single decision he makes. I don't just mean presidential decisions, either.

Dude could wake up and take a piss and some idiot would get on social media and go, "Literally Hitler pisses in water-- IMPEACH HIM. HE'S WASTING OUR CLEAN DRINKING WATER BY PISSING IN IT," and then some "totally news" website would pick up on it and start some stupid week long campaign about it.

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Re: It's the Current Year, Irish Slaves are a Myth

Post by Duwango » Sat Aug 26, 2017 10:05 pm

That is the MO for a lot of the "Mainstream" newspapers and tabloids these days in the USA, Germany and everywhere else. They think that they will be the ones to turn everyone into liberals, which doesn't work out because "journalists" are bubbled, morally illiterate sycophants who are bred in suck-uppery gated communities. Then the pizza delivery boys become bitter and resentful at the rubes who don't want progressive enlightenment. Then the publication becomes a walking sick joke, which only increases the resentment, which means they become even more resentful of the rubes, and so on.

It's a spiral until a publication get shut down or they get bought out by a multi-billionare crony capitalist, who in turn reduces said publication into an \vanity project. No one reads the likes of Newsweek (Which, by the way, was purchased out of bankruptcy in 2010 with only one miserable dollar), NYT or Washington Post. Pizza Chiefs don't care if they're actually trying to make a point with their "fuck drumpf and fuck white ppl" headlines. The whole point of their existence is to re-enact the good ol' Soviet strategy of tiring out the rubes with their constant crybullying.

I am glad that Trump is trolling those Pizza companies, but I'd rather much prefer if they would go full on Sherman Act on them. It's more than fair, considering that they now call for, on a daily basis, the assassination of Orange Cheeto Hitler and just about anyone who isn't a cultural marxist.

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Re: It's the Current Year, Irish Slaves are a Myth

Post by rabidtictac » Sat Aug 26, 2017 10:13 pm

The incitements to violence in particular rankle me, because that shit rubs right on the line of reasonable free speech. Calls for assassination are not free speech IMO. Your average normy could say what these journos say about Trump, only about Obama and Hillary, and suddenly that speech would become "a credible threat" and "proof of white supremacy" in Murica.

With antifa, the double standards are plain to see. CNN came out and said that Antifa violence was acceptable because it was in the interests of peace. Oh but of course any speech from a conservative is violence and hateful and must be banned. Kek.
RAPEMAN wrote:
Mon Aug 03, 2020 9:42 pm
>liberal: ban x
>trump: yeah ban x
>liberal: no bro x is awesome

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