Pwning the anti-microtransation wave riders.

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Re: Pwning the anti-microtransation wave riders.

Post by Kugelfisch » Sat Dec 02, 2017 7:49 pm

Last I heard they were gone. Won't stop them from putting them in the next game.
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Re: Pwning the anti-microtransation wave riders.

Post by Seele » Sat Dec 02, 2017 10:14 pm

They're gone, but they're planning to reintroduce them once The Last Jedi hits theaters.
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Re: Pwning the anti-microtransation wave riders.

Post by Poonoo » Sat Dec 02, 2017 11:41 pm

This whole "lootboxes are gambling" thing is stupid. I understand that lootboxes are fucking cancer and need to go away but if they think that passing regulation will only stop lootboxes then they are retarded. They function like Trading Card Games so you actually are getting SOMETHING, even if it isn't what you want so it's not gambling where you can get nothing in return.

An argument dopey cunts are using against that is that you can sell your physical cards, but there are plenty of digital ones that DON'T allow you to trade or sell your cards with other people. If you pass this law against lootboxes, it will be written in a way in which it will fuck up the Trading Card Game industry. Since you will classify it as gambling, trading card games will be hit even harder since the audience for them is usually way younger than video games. They WILL do this, you had that idiot politician in the USA claim that Battlefront 2 was designed to lure in children and make them gamble, they will not think this through and it will destroy other industries because gamers have no self control.

I do think something needs to be done though, since this business model is based on only a very select few compulsive retards spending thousands of dollars to make themselves more powerful. The argument "just don't buy it" doesn't apply here since almost everyone will not buy it. We saw what happened to mobile gaming with Free to Play, that market is complete and utter cowclicker trash with nothing even resembling a proper fucking video game and lootboxes will do the same to regular games since no one will invest in older style games that make less money.

The solution to this would be to instead force companies to give players the option to trade and sell shit they get from lootboxes/online card games (like Steam has with the trading cards, though maybe with in game currency), along with laws making sure they don't blatantly tamper with rarity numbers. This will prevent people from endlessly buying lootboxes since that is the only way to get certain things without fucking ruining the trading card industry.

But the conversation online is not nuanced at all. Instead it's "MAKE LOOTBOXES GAMBLING ALREADY, FUCK YOU EA", which is terrible since passing laws in the middle of mass hysteria is how government tyranny passes through.
Old Black Man wrote:
Wed Nov 27, 2019 9:11 pm
Also Lupa’s grandmother? Please, we know that hag was alive and well back then. She’s like the dude from Highlander, only a cunt.

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Re: Pwning the anti-microtransation wave riders.

Post by rabidtictac » Sun Dec 03, 2017 1:02 am

It's tapping into the same feedback loop as gambling and they're making most of their money off of addicts. I think that's a problem even if it's not technically gambling. To say nothing of how games are requiring online now and requiring microtransactions to beat.

I don't think regulation will work, but I'm open to fucking over game publishers any possible way. It's only fair after they've been fucking cuck gamers for years and most gamers were happy to lap it up. Now we've got shit like FOBs in Metal Gear Solid V's single player game, massive endgame grinds on asscreed origins/battlefucked 2/shadow of mordor to encourage real-world spending on a game people already paid full price for.

Fuck game devs. Until they show some sign of pulling back on their greed, I don't care how we fuck them over so long as it happens lel. The sperge flows strongly into my hateboner.

Trading card games encourage overspending too, but you can usually build budget decks which are viable. I know yougaybro specifically had common versions of rare cards you could buy in starter decks. So you might have a common version of Vampire Lord or some other rare card. You weren't limited strictly by rarity as to what cards you were forced to use. $20 would get you a decent starter deck and you could shop around and buy commons to fill it out more for not much money. OR you could sperge out and buy every legendary everything.
RAPEMAN wrote:
Mon Aug 03, 2020 9:42 pm
>liberal: ban x
>trump: yeah ban x
>liberal: no bro x is awesome

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Re: Pwning the anti-microtransation wave riders.

Post by Guest » Sun Dec 03, 2017 7:31 am

Dead Homer Society wrote an ebook on how microtransactions relate to gambling revolving around Simpsons: Tapped Out. It's a good read.

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Re: Pwning the anti-microtransation wave riders.

Post by Guest » Sun Dec 03, 2017 11:18 am

Poonoo wrote:
Sat Dec 02, 2017 11:41 pm
They function like Trading Card Games so you actually are getting SOMETHING, even if it isn't what you want so it's not gambling where you can get nothing in return.
I have seen that analogy alot recently and it doesn't make a lick of sense. A trading card game is designed in a way that booster packs make sense. A video game is always crippled when it contains lootboxes/microtransaction that aren't skins otherwise nobody would buy em. Unless your video game is a trading card game of course. That's why expansions existed and even separate DLC doesn't fuck the game over as hard.

I don't care what the state thinks is gambling or defines as gambling. When you lock buyable content behind a lottery it is a gamble and thus you are gambling. Northernlion put it best when he said gambling in games is even worse than real gambling because in the real world you actually win money while in the gameworld you never win anything worth a damn besides some shitty overpriced CS:GO weapon skins.

Japan has banned kompu gacha and China has done something aswell:
As predicted, the ban is covered under Japan’s Act against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations and the Law for Preventing Unjustifiable Extra or Unexpected Benefit and Misleading Representation. During a press conference announcing the ban, Jin Matsubara, Japan’s minister of state for consumer affairs and food safety said “significantly increasing the passion for gambling is not appropriate to the education of children.”
China just passed a law that might ease our collective loot-box-induced suffering a little bit. Starting in May 2017, developers will be required to disclose the probabilities underlying infernal mystery cubes in games like Overwatch, Counter-Strike, and Hearthstone. Here are the stipulations:

2.6 ...Online game publishers shall promptly publicly announce information about the name, property, content, quantity, and draw/forge probability of all virtual items and services that can be drawn/forge on the official website or a dedicated draw probability webpage of the game. The information on draw probability shall be true and effective.

2.7 Online game publishers shall publicly announce the random draw results by customers on notable places of official website or in game, and keep record for government inquiry. The record must be kept for more than 90 days. When publishing the random draw results, some measures should be taken place to protect user privacy.

I don't really care what the government does as long as this lootbox trash doesn't ruin gaming as a whole like otaku's ruined anime but so far it seems the industry is proving people right. The more you let it fester, the greater it get's as seen recently with that patent from Activision. I'm all for fucking these people over to the point they go out of business and crawl on the streets since they aren't contributing anything to the industry anyway.

Sadly you need strong government since most people don't have the time (thanks capitalism!) and intelligence to not fall into traps everywhere. A society where foul practice is everywhere, doesn't properly educate it's people and doesn't give people enough time can't be a free society. Freedom in that society means that you acknowledged and accepted it's collapse.

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Re: Pwning the anti-microtransation wave riders.

Post by AngrySpoonySnob » Sun Dec 03, 2017 12:24 pm

Northernlion is one of the biggest retards on youtube though.

But yeah you want panini packs to be banned too then, gj ruining childhoods.
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Re: Pwning the anti-microtransation wave riders.

Post by Guest » Sun Dec 03, 2017 2:00 pm

AngrySpoonySnob wrote:
Sun Dec 03, 2017 12:24 pm
But yeah you want panini packs to be banned too then, gj ruining childhoods.
Oh shit whatever will children do, maybe go outside and play with a ball instead or buy some video games? :lol: That shit only exists to make money anyway. It's not like a trading card game where you can actually do something with it.

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Re: Pwning the anti-microtransation wave riders.

Post by VoiceOfReasonPast » Sun Dec 03, 2017 2:30 pm

Even if MTG gets hit by that, there are like a billion cards out there, with software tools (both official and unofficial) that let you play purely digitally. The game will never die.
Wikipedia wrote:By March 2016, the game had been downloaded over 10 million times in Japan. Granblue Fantasy uses a gacha system wherein players effectively gamble; rather than buying new characters outright, players spend money to get a crystal, effectively a loot box, for 300 yen (~2.67 USD), then get a random "drop" from using the crystal. Buying crystals in bulk provides a discount. Thus, characters and equipment are acquired randomly; any one crystal only has a certain percentage chance of being a desired character. This system has proven lucrative, as some players compulsively attempt to get desired characters via spending money on repeated random character acquisitions. It was so effective to the point of raising worries of government regulation to stop exploitation; the Japan Online Game Association, a federation, self-imposed stricter restrictions on the industry after a player streamed themselves spending around ¥700,000 (~6,000 US dollars) attempting to get Anchira, a new and heavily advertised character, on December 31, 2015. There was a time-limited period where Anchira's appearance rate increased, with her becoming more difficult to acquire on January 3, fueling "delirium" and peer pressure on players to attempt to get her immediately. Frustration and claims of Anchira's "drop rate" being less than advertised from other players as well led developer Cygames to offer refunds to people caught in the incident, a promise to set up a system to automatically give a drop after too many "misses", and an apology from the management.

Many journalists compared it favorably to earlier Final Fantasy games.
At least it's as good as early FF titles, amirite?!
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Re: Pwning the anti-microtransation wave riders.

Post by AngrySpoonySnob » Sun Dec 03, 2017 4:07 pm

Guest wrote:
Sun Dec 03, 2017 2:00 pm
AngrySpoonySnob wrote:
Sun Dec 03, 2017 12:24 pm
But yeah you want panini packs to be banned too then, gj ruining childhoods.
Oh shit whatever will children do, maybe go outside and play with a ball instead or buy some video games? :lol: That shit only exists to make money anyway. It's not like a trading card game where you can actually do something with it.
rofl, you're once again showing off how dumb and retarded you are. Who the fuck said anything about gaming? Do you even know what panini is?!!
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- Wackashi Snitchnine

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