DSP Thread: Bugged Forum mechanics

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Le Redditeur
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Re: DSP Thread: Bugged Forum mechanics

Post by Le Redditeur » Sat Dec 16, 2017 1:00 am

The Kiwis are being rused. "MysteryWoman"'s story is too convenient to be true.
CIANIgger wrote:
Fri Dec 15, 2017 8:42 pm

Helicopter. Place.

What the fuck...? :lol:
That would be his former job, that he got because of his dad, before being fired, back in CT. It's a helicopter maintentance company, if I'm not mistaken.

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Re: DSP Thread: Bugged Forum mechanics

Post by Guest » Sat Dec 16, 2017 2:48 am

Imagine being Phil's dad. I would kill myself.

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Re: DSP Thread: Bugged Forum mechanics

Post by Guest » Sat Dec 16, 2017 3:05 am

Guest wrote:
Sat Dec 16, 2017 2:48 am
Imagine being Phil's dad. I would kill myself.
The man Phil calls an idiot for not buying him a Wolveriene toy as a kid.

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Le Redditeur
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Re: DSP Thread: Bugged Forum mechanics

Post by Le Redditeur » Sat Dec 16, 2017 3:15 am

Interesting. MisterMetokur deleted a couple of Tweets regarding Phil's supposed endeavours with the "escort". Aparently Null convinced him to not talk about it, so they can try to milk Phil from this situation.

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Re: DSP Thread: Bugged Forum mechanics

Post by Guest » Sat Dec 16, 2017 5:19 am

Le Redditeur wrote:
Sat Dec 16, 2017 3:15 am
Interesting. MisterMetokur deleted a couple of Tweets regarding Phil's supposed endeavours with the "escort". Aparently Null convinced him to not talk about it, so they can try to milk Phil from this situation.
why does people still listen to null= he is a bigger olcow than chris

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Re: DSP Thread: Bugged Forum mechanics

Post by rabidtictac » Sat Dec 16, 2017 7:05 am



I still think it's a troll, but I wonder if they're graduating from trolling the farms to trolling DSP directly.

"I will release this screenshot" yeah sure. Fake and gay until you prove otherwise, whore.

I'll laugh if she's not lying, but there's no fucking way this isn't a troll.
Le Redditeur wrote:
Sat Dec 16, 2017 3:15 am
Interesting. MisterMetokur deleted a couple of Tweets regarding Phil's supposed endeavours with the "escort". Aparently Null convinced him to not talk about it, so they can try to milk Phil from this situation.
That's fucking stupid. Metokur shouldn't talk about it because it's an obvious troll, not because of Null. On the 0% chance it's legit, Jim can always talk about it later once some actual proof comes out.
As if we needed more proof kiwi are for fags.
RAPEMAN wrote:
Mon Aug 03, 2020 9:42 pm
>liberal: ban x
>trump: yeah ban x
>liberal: no bro x is awesome

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Re: DSP Thread: Bugged Forum mechanics

Post by Kama » Sat Dec 16, 2017 9:00 am

I kinda want this whole saga to be over. Seeing a simple yes or no answer get drawn out is making me less interested.

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Re: DSP Thread: Bugged Forum mechanics

Post by rabidtictac » Sat Dec 16, 2017 9:40 am

I agree. In the SoK autist days, this shit would have had a full sokast for 6 fucking hours.

TBH if I were null, I'd demand to see proof (posted publicly) or else ban the account. The only person this will end up helping if it's fake is DSP, who can use the "detractor lies" to milk more money from his fans.

https://foxdickfarms.net/threads/mystery-w ... 71/page-31

31 fucking pages and the only proof this account has provided is pms to Null which prove that the account on KF is the same as the account on the twitter, and is most likely an actual ho. No fucking shit it is. That's how she fucking found you to troll in the first place. An entire board full of autists is dancing to her tune.

https://twitter.com/TheyCallMeDSP/statu ... 6615020544

Meanwhile, the only response from DSP has been to laugh and go on to talk about fightan gaymes.

Again, KF mods have apparently been threadbanning a bunch of people. How retarded. Why would you ban people for saying they don't believe this story? It's obviously fake and gay and should be presumed fake and gay until PUBLIC proof is provided and confirmed by independent sources. I don't trust Null or anyone else to accurately evaluate what qualifies as proof that someone on the internet isn't lying.

If the whore is lying, there's legit nothing she can do (despite all her threats) to affect DSP, and he'll just get more pitybux the bigger you make the story. But forcing the prostitute to put up public evidence or get banned would at least close out this story one way or another and stop your autistic forum members from jizzing themselves. If the story is true, she has no reason to withhold anything, since DSP isn't going to suddenly pay her $3000 out of the blue if he's already stiffed her once.
RAPEMAN wrote:
Mon Aug 03, 2020 9:42 pm
>liberal: ban x
>trump: yeah ban x
>liberal: no bro x is awesome

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Re: DSP Thread: Bugged Forum mechanics

Post by Kama » Sat Dec 16, 2017 10:08 am

rabidtictac wrote:
Sat Dec 16, 2017 9:40 am
I agree. In the SoK autist days, this shit would have had a full sokast for 6 fucking hours.
Way more than that if you count in how many weekly podcasts until the end of this arc it would have covered along with any emergency podcasts. Of course all of them would be 6 hours long each.

As for KF they're free to do what they want, but if Null is holding back the proof because they wanna milk it for all it's worth then that's a scum thing to do. Also threadbanning people for wanting proof doesn't make their side look any more credible.

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Re: DSP Thread: Bugged Forum mechanics

Post by Guest » Sat Dec 16, 2017 11:18 am

I came back from the dead just to shitpost on this wonderful, funderful DSP drama.

While is is smart to be skeptical of anything this glorious as anything other than a troll, and it may still be a troll, several things should be pointed out:

A. Kimberlie has somewhat recently tweeted out links to some amateur porn that she did in the past. The person in the videos is absolutely the person you see in her twitter and escorting pictures. The videos are older, and they have a link to her current twitter address, but she also has that same address in the past. All of this means is that it is confirmation that she was/is an escort/sexworker, and not NECESSARILY an obese autist with too much time on his hands. The videos could have been edited with fake date and twitter stamps, but you can't fake the person in the videos. Kimberlie was fucking strangers and working as an escort before the DSP drama; and apparently she was talking to clients up until a year or so ago when she got pregnant. No one is faking that many tweets and accounts just on the off chance that Phil would post a Christmas photo of a woman that just happens to match the appearance of the woman in the videos, and the woman in the videos would never find out about the twitter account or separate escorting website for years. She could have been "hacked," but I'm not buying it that she wouldn't have found out about the hack by now. There are three basic scenarios:

1. Kimberlie was an escort. Kimberlie is still an escort. Her tweets are coming from her, and she's telling the truth for publicity. If you know sex workers, they will do anything for publicity, even if it sounds absolutely stupid.
2. Kimberlie was an escort. Kimberlie's account has been compromised by a troll, and he (it would have to be a dude) is trolling DSP with a hacked account.
3. Kimberlie was an escort. Kimberlie is still an escort. Phil paid her to help drum up this fake drama so he could say "we fooled you! You detractors are so stupid!" In his mind it sounds like a great plan to ruin the credibility of his haters, when in reality he was working with an escort to lie to the public and then mock them for his noticing his lies, and he comes off sounding like he's actually retarded. He has even done stupid shit like this in his quiplash games by writing insulting answers about himself to get detractors to vote for the negative answers, but then laughs and says "I fooled you!" when it's discovered that it's his answers. No one was fooled and no one cared, yet he thinks it was a masterstroke of genius to insult himself and have people agree with the insult, because people wouldn't agree with the insult if it came from him?

Kimberlie isn't a fake persona crated by a fat neckbeard because she really does exist and she is a sexworker. The only way a neckbeard is at the other end of this is if he hacked her account. That can't be true since people have been emailing her escorting site, and she would have seen those emails, even if she abandoned her escorting twitter. By now she would have gotten her twitter account back, so if this is a troll, then the troll is Kimberlie the escort. That may make for an even more epic troll.

B. There was a girl in his ornament photos, and we know that she wasn't his girlfriend. Even now he said he's going to stop calling her his girlfriend and start calling her his "companion." If this woman wasn't the escort, she's not his girlfriend, and he has no female friends, then who is she? Did he hire an actor to place an ornament on a tree and maybe go shopping with him? She had to come from somewhere, and the simplest explanation would be the escort.

C. Including her Christmas workcation with DSP, he claims he only saw her 3 times in the past 6 months. Before he saw her for the first time, he claims he convinced her to delete any and all correspondence with him, and any social media accounts that could be traced back to him. Additionally, she convinced her friends and family to never speak about her relationship with him as there is no mention of him, anywhere else by anyone else, in regards to someone actually dating DSP, Phil Burnell, a shitstain parasite, etc. . .. All of these people agreed to this code of silence immediately, and have kept up this code of silence for 6 months, according to DSP. That's absolutely retarded. These same people that willingly agreed to obey his command of total secrecy at the very first moment they met him also want nothing to do with him during Thanksgiving and Christmas. They respect him so much that they'll follow his demands of total silence, but they're also so disgusted with his presence that they don't even want to see him once for half a year? That's also absolutely retarded. The simpler explanation is that these people don't exist, and he hired an escort.

D. No girlfriend would come to stay at your house and be fine that you've keep all of your ex's stuff, and even have a framed picture of her still up in the living room. Period.

E. Regarding the price of travel and services rendered, the real world pricing of an escort and travel is easily within DSP grasp and is something that he would agree to. All prices are negotiable, and insanely high prices are common with sex workers. The key is to have a high enough starting point that you can haggle down to something that's still amazing, and offer such a huge discount to your client that he'll feel like you think he's special. "Talk is cheap, but an escort taking that much less money to be with me? She must think I'm the man." Easy way to get repeat business.

DSP is looking at about $2k to a very high max of $3k (quality of travel is a huge variable) for her services over a very long weekend. REMEMBER: this is the same asshole that last year spent nearly $2k to drive 30 minutes and watch TV during his staycation. He also did this after complaining about not having enough money to pay his billth, and then taking the extra money he earned and spent it on. . .literally driving 30 minutes to sleep in a different bed for a week. DSP complaining about back taxes and then hiring an escort for $2k to $3k with that extra money is identical in behavior with him complaining about unpaid billth and then using the extra income he sleazed to spend $2k to drive 30 minutes just to sleep in a different bed for a week. This is normal behavior for DSP, even down to the amount he spent/owes.

F. Phil refuses to call Kimberlie a liar, or demand that she tweet something that says they didn't spend that weekend together. He is watching her tweets and he has responded to other people in her threads who ask if she's talking about him, but he never says anything to her. Considering he's a liar, aggressive, and loves to re-frame situations to make it seem like he did nothing wrong, he has been totally silent when it comes to just a simple tweet request. The only reason why he would shy away from something like that is if the issue is too black and white, cut and dry, like proof she was even in his city during the photo, a current photo from her in the outfit so an accurate comparison can be made, or any relevant DM's with her before his vacation, and if he pushes her just a little too far, he'll be in a shitstorm he'll never get out from.

G. The wildcard is that the girl in the ornament photo is Leanna. She got sick of all of the detractor hate, didn't want anything to do with youtube, twitch, or whatever, deleted all of her social media accounts, and then let Phil lie and say they broke up. It's consistent with Phil screwing up the dates they broke up, the reasons why they broke up, and why so much of Leanna's stuff is still in his house and on his walls.

The problems with that theory is there is no reason why she would want to be with his fat, greasy ass, Phil is a known liar, and Phil is very, very lazy. These issues are consistent with his disgusting lifestyle, and it's implausible why a woman would go through all of the effort that she did just to stay with a shitpig who gives her costume jewelry for an engagement ring and tells the world that she has serious problems with anxiety.

In sperg conclusion, it is far more likely that the escort is telling the truth. There is no way to resolve the issue of the girl in the photo because even Phil is now admitting that he doesn't have a girlfriend, but a companion. A female willingly decided to come to his house and help him decorate, but she's not a friend, relative, or lover. This means that woman had an exclusively financial interest to be at Phil's house for a short period of time, and there is only one person that we know that it could be. Just the odds that the woman in the photo just happens to match the physical description of the escort is astronomical if the escort is now just a troll using a hacked account; an escorting account that has been following DSP for years. People get lucky, but holy shit, that's like winning the lottery lucky.

Occam's razor (kinda, you know what I mean) states that the simplest explanation is usually right. There was a woman in Phil's house that wasn't a friend, lover, or relative. A woman who matches the physical description of that woman has been following Phil for years, was traveling at the same time that DSP claimed his girlfriend was traveling, and she is exactly the type of person that would spend personal time with DSP for money; an escort. The woman in the picture was only there out of financial reasons. The only type of person that would spend that much personal time with him for money must be an escort. Kimberlie is an escort. So, if the choice is that the woman in the photo never existed (no friend, lover, or relative), an impossibility, or that the woman has to be an escort and Phil has a follower who is an escort that matches the woman's appearance perfectly, the simpler answer is that Kimberlie is the woman in the photo.

It is still possible that this is just a troll. Maybe Phil and this escort and having fun just creating fake drama because Phil doesn't realize that it doesn't matter if he fucks escorts or schemes with escorts, he'll always be slammed as the guy who spends his Patreon money on escorts. The first rule of internet nobodies is: "Eventually, everyone becomes Spoony." The second rule is: "Internet drama that is too good to be true is either completely fake, or far worse than originally thought." If these person isn't a troll, then a real flood is going to come and wash Phil away.

That woman was only in that photo because she was paid, and she spend days and night with him because she was paid. That's an escort. When you add in the physical appearance match, the odds are stacked, not 100%, but really stacked that it's this escort WHO EXISTS. Seriously, there are no other women that exist, a matter of physics, who can actually be in that photo because they like the King of Hate. Still, Spoony still has his house so weirder things have happened.

EDIT: Holy shit, I knew it could be $3k for the services. I don't read foxdickfarms, but I know a lot of sex workers (as friends, but I don't give a fuck), and I know the prices.

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