When's "popular gaming" going to die?

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When's "popular gaming" going to die?

Post by Poonoo » Sat Mar 25, 2017 11:57 pm

Talk about AAA cancer in all it's forms.
Old Black Man wrote:
Wed Nov 27, 2019 9:11 pm
Also Lupa’s grandmother? Please, we know that hag was alive and well back then. She’s like the dude from Highlander, only a cunt.

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Re: When's "popular gaming" going to die?

Post by rabidtictac » Sun Mar 26, 2017 3:42 am

I don't even know what normalfags play these days on vidya consoles and PC. Everything I play is at least a generation behind unless it's on PC or is an indie like Darkest Dungeon.
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Re: When's "popular gaming" going to die?

Post by Kugelfisch » Sun Mar 26, 2017 4:02 am

Ask Sickfuck when he comes around making an account here.
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Re: When's "popular gaming" going to die?

Post by Big Brown Titties » Sun Mar 26, 2017 8:15 pm

It'll die when they stop trying to be Hollywood and we have gameplay again instead of those Uncharted quick time events where you just run towards the camera while the level explodes around you as if you're actually doing something.

While I'm at it, Game Informer is fucking cancer.

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Re: When's "popular gaming" going to die?

Post by Seele » Sun Mar 26, 2017 11:24 pm

Big Brown Titties wrote:While I'm at it, Game Informer is fucking cancer.
>Paid off inflated scores in reviews.

>That unfunny "Game Infarcer" shit which is, ironically, almost a pinpoint accurate representation of Game Informer's shit itself.

>Questionable "GOTY" titles like Overwatch, Dragon Age: Inquisition, The Last of Us, Mass Effect 3 (fucking seriously?!), Skyrim, Uncharted 2, GTA IV, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Halo 2, MGS2: Sons of Liberty, and Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2.

>Overhypes games, especially with their monthly feature articles which are usually cringe-inducing.

>Staff bloggers are cringey little shits with bad taste, including one fucker who writes some weekly Sci-Fi blog that circle jerks over Star Wars, Mass Effect, and how "serious sci-fi" is making a "life-changing comeback," whatever the hell that means. Another one described how Overwatch helped rekindle his relationship with his spouse, which was suicide-inducing to read.

>Used political fear mongering to get more views on their articles, such as directing hatred towards Gamer Gate & acting as though Brexit would signify the end of overseas game publishing/development in Europe.

>Their website's comment sections are usual cuckold hiveminds, but there are 2 piece of shit users in particular called "Rezident Hazard" & "stealth___" who piqued my interest in how genuinely autistic they are. Hazard is a typical SJW who constantly bitches and moans about media in general, but mostly about Nintendo, like a merger between Jim Spergling and MovieBlob as he wishes for the "good ol' days" of gaming to come back, yet ironically praises the modern bullshit practices of today's companies. He also complains about "muh sexism and racism" in modern gaming and defends Anita Sarkeesian, BioWare, Hello Games, EA, and Bethesda like a good little cuck. stealth___ is a hugely sycophantic delusional shill who constantly guzzles Nintendo's cum on a daily basis, is a self-proclaimed "insider" who seems to have "connections" with company employees, is "friends" with several gaming youtubers, has a "diplomatic immunity" thing going on with website mods, constantly berates anyone and everyone who dares to criticize the almighty Nintendo with a "troll" label, overhypes upcoming games, claims to have one of the largest Twitter followings of any insider ever but has a measly 3k, claims to own "every console ever" & "every game ever" and is therefore "knowledgeable of every video game in existence," and, amusingly, has a massive hate boner for Rezident Hazard who seems to be his personal rival and someone to dump his concentrated hatred of all anti-Nintendo/anti-fun people on almost every single time Hazard makes a comment or blog on anything.

Not surprised to see how poisonous they are considering they're owned by GameStop, which is even bigger cancer for other reasons.

Hopefully, they go out of business before the end of the century. They've already closed down 150 stores recently.
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Re: When's "popular gaming" going to die?

Post by rabidtictac » Mon Mar 27, 2017 3:28 am

GTA IV was one of those titles whose dick it was cool to suck right when it launched. But then the industry turned on it after GTA V and it became cool to shit on GTA IV. My own opinion is rather nuanced. I think it's less good than the hype but better than people give it credit for now, and it REALLY looks like a masterpiece (aside from the graphics) when compared to GTA V, which I think is fucking dogshit.

Anyway, I just bring it up because GTA IV is one of those you'll see a lot of shill publications gave perfect scores to back in the day, but they kind of shit on it now because it's no longer cool to like GTA IV. I still think its story, dialogue and characters crap from great height upon anything in GTA V. Niko actually feels like a real guy, complete with hypocrisies and cognitive dissonance/denial about his life and relationships with others.

I understand why some people hate things about the game, like the driving being more simulation than arcade (people don't sign up to GTA for those kinds of driving games), the shooting being clumsy and the color palette being a mass of orange and brown, but I still pop in Lost and Damned every so often to tool around with the sick motorcycles and listen to amazing radio.
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Re: When's "popular gaming" going to die?

Post by Kugelfisch » Mon Mar 27, 2017 4:00 am

The driving isn't simulation, it's fucking dogshit. The cars ride like they are one meter of the road with the softest suspension known to man.
The story is ugly and shitty lacking much of the charm and tongue in cheek style of previous GTAs.
But besides that, IV is the best GTA ever.
I do like the over the top shit GTA V brought back. Stealing a Hummer from a transporter plane and crashing it out of the loading bay mid-flight was awesome. But none of the playable characters are likeable. I don't mind Trevor, though. Bashing him has become really hip. Trevor isn't the problem, the other characters are. Trevor fits perfectly with the over the top missions. He's an irredeemable cunt and a sociopath and would be terrible if he was the only PC but as part of a trifecta he's fine.
The nigger is boring as shit and pisses me off with his cliché crap about wanting to escape da hood and become a proper citizen but acting completely against it. From how he talks he should just get a job at some burger place. Don't whine to me about wanting to drop the gangster shit and then go rob banks.
Michael is the absolute worst character by fucking far. His family are all twats. They are cartoony exaggerations of bland archetypes of shit people (the cheating wife, dumb daughter, useless son) but Michael is played way too straight.

And that's why V sucks. It's all over the place with it's tone. IV was a good bit too gritty shitty for me but beneath that was still a great game. Vice City and every 2D GTA were cheesy parodies of reality. All of them were consistent in tone. V goes from whacky 80s action movie missions to Heat-style heists to fierce IRL drama not only scene by scene but even in a single scene with characters that seem to come from different games.
And that's why Trevor is the only good character in V. He is the only character that could possibly actually live in that world. He's so deranged that to him all that shit might make sense happening in the same universe. He could easily be an unreliable narrator.
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Re: When's "popular gaming" going to die?

Post by rabidtictac » Mon Mar 27, 2017 4:43 am

Michael and his family are probably the worst Rockstar characters of all time. Shallow as fuck parodies of unlikable cunts, and the parody isn't even funny. Michael is an asshole. I said it before years ago in some jewtube comments, but Franklin is the OG chump of the world. He constantly lets people fuck him over because "oh I guess I have to" and then he says some retarded shit about leaving the ghetto while continuing to let people fuck him over on gang deals he's smart enough to see are going to go bad. At least Trevor has the excuse of being crazy.
RAPEMAN wrote:
Mon Aug 03, 2020 9:42 pm
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Re: When's "popular gaming" going to die?

Post by Griever » Mon Mar 27, 2017 5:11 am

Honestly, I always preferred San Andreas and Vice City's style of gameplay over GTA IV's. Granted, the story in San Andreas is occasionally dumb as fuck, and I really don't care to listen to dialog that is written almost entirely in ebonics, but I enjoyed the style of open-world fuckery that those games had over GTA IV. As for GTA V, I took one look at it when it first came out and decided that it was trying way too hard to be funny/edgy.

EDIT: Also, as for GTA IV's driving mechanics, the cars handled like drunken cows on roller skates.

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Re: When's "popular gaming" going to die?

Post by rabidtictac » Mon Mar 27, 2017 5:40 am

The 3D era of GTA storytelling is fine too. It was less wordy and more simple, but the gameplay was more immediate as well.
RAPEMAN wrote:
Mon Aug 03, 2020 9:42 pm
>liberal: ban x
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