The Ringer: the other side of the autism spectrum

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Tony Schiavone
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The Ringer: the other side of the autism spectrum

Post by Tony Schiavone » Fri Mar 23, 2018 3:55 pm

This one has been eating at me for years:

It's the perfect distilled essence of smug, hipster clickbaity pandering money-first pretender garbage dressed up in even more pretentiousness so it's supposedly more palatable to normies.
Aka 'high functioning' levels of Internet Nobodies, which are which are arguably worse than the rest of the spectrum:

Every one of their choices of their 'content' is precisely the stuff in the genre that no one cares about (sports = NBA, movies = Wes Anderson and 'popular' romcoms from 1998, tech = lefty political stories, wrestling = wrestling), speckled in a veneer of pseudo-intellectual opinions and fake 'we love' shit' contempt for anything but the most superficial and PC popular approved,

Supposedly run by Bill Simmons. He's the high functioning version of Spoony.
  • Was once popular in sports for actually being somewhat funny and being an outsider railing against stuff that was supposed to be acceptably popular at the time (akin to FF8).
  • Warnings signs were when he mentioned how he was supposedly a former writer/best friend with Jimmy Kimmel and never shut up about how great SNL was and is.
  • Gradually grew more of an ego as his audience grew:
    • stopped giving a shit about the content that made him famous (columns)
    • got lazy and did podcasts (as a 40 year old with a voice like a young cuck), mailbags, and low effort things
    • assumed his audience gave two fucks about his personal opinions and got addicted to twitter
    • started to drown in a sea of pop culture references about the Wire and Jersey Shore (and stopped using the references that made him funny/famous in the first place)
    • doubled down on his hypocritical faults (his love of bad gambling strategies)
    • moved to Commiefornia and immediately became a PC liberal shill (he stopped liking or mentioning Rocky anymore because apparently the franchise is offensive to African-Americans)
    • and started hosting Obama, bashing Roger Goodell like some kind of anti-concussion and justice prophet, and demanded more and more from ESPN
  • Hilariously had one bad website that was fill of other writer nobodies that he tried to farm out the work for money (like CA).
  • Like CA, had some arguably good content buried and unearthed completely by accident, that did not stay very long
  • Like Spoony, got lol fired (from ESPN) when he went too far even from them (but felt 'creatively stifled'). Then did nothing for a while, had a disastrously brief stint at HBO where he blamed everyone else for his failure, then set up a 2.0 version of his pop culture ego dreamworld with younger more impressionable writers who double down on everything terrible and that he could do even less than before and watch the money roll in

Only hope the site will flame out again, but like Spoony and CA, his legion of retarded 40-50 something left coast PC fantasy sports and crap TV watching numales will probably not let him die.
...and still: Spoony did nothing.

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JL Unlimited
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Re: The Ringer: the other side of the autism spectrum

Post by JL Unlimited » Fri Mar 23, 2018 4:44 pm

Bill Simmons has to be the worst editor in history. Every Grantland article was twice as long as it needed to be.
Guest wrote:
Fri Mar 08, 2019 6:17 pm
You're a bunch of monkeys dancing for shekels. Dance and keep your pie holes shut, monkeys. Your dumbass opinions aren't wanted and aren't valid.

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Re: The Ringer: the other side of the autism spectrum

Post by Guest » Fri Mar 23, 2018 4:55 pm

I thought the thread was gonna be about the movie with Johnny Knoxville where he pretends to be a retard to join the Special Olympics.

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Tony Schiavone
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Re: The Ringer: the other side of the autism spectrum

Post by Tony Schiavone » Fri Mar 23, 2018 5:54 pm

Guest wrote:
Fri Mar 23, 2018 4:55 pm
I thought the thread was gonna be about the movie with Johnny Knoxville where he pretends to be a retard to join the Special Olympics.
Close. I'm sure they'd identify with the movie while ignoring all the ironic parallels.
...and still: Spoony did nothing.

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